Ending~ (FINALLY)

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After that night..... I was happier than ever. I found my other half in the weirdest way ever. It was from him staying over to my Ex Kyle randomly showing up. Never expected it to end out like this. We sat on the roof watching the small snow flakes fall lazily from the beautiful evening sky.

"Isn't the weather beautiful? It's calming and can clear your mind"

"It's not as beautiful as you"

"Oh quiet! "

"Dont deny the truth"

"I- I'm not even going to argue"

"See! I'm right"

"Am I painted matalic? "


"Then how am I a mirror? "

We laughed, this night was perfect. Finally being with my other half is oneof the bestest milestones I've ever hit, and it just took one small make or break choice. He rested his head on my shoulder. This couldn't get any better, well what happened next wwas way better. He looked me in the eyes.


"Just lookin at your beautiful ocean eyes"

He was leaning in slowly, I could tell what he was trying to do. I leaned in fast and kissed em. My heart was warm.

Finally..... I was complete.


I don't really ship it anymore. They don't do videos together and I don't think they are as close as they used to be. They are so much happier with their girlfriends (and it's fucking adorable) so I might do small stories after but after that, no more Tythan probably forever. I've branched out to new fandoms and have new ships, sorry it got lazy but I want this done, I hope you enjoyed it~ 💕

Started; 11/13/10 (10pm)
Ended: 1/1/20 (2am)

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