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*i love that song so much, there will be references to my life and there will be my number explainations*

Ethan pov

I held the ice pack close to my head. Ouch. Kyle was getting yelled at in the counselors office. I could hear the principles booming voice.The nurse was actually decently big. There were three decently sized rooms with little beds, 5 chairs to wait, a book shelf and a window, I river was behind the school so you could see it. My cheeks were damp with tears. I looked down at my phone, I heard someone walk in, I didn't bother to look up. It sorta sounded like they were whimpering silently. "The nurse left for a moment, you should sit" I said, my voice cracking a bit. Who ever it was plopped down besides me. I put my phone down and started to fiddle with my bandages on my wrist. I heard this person starting to winter again. I looked over a bit. They were squeezing their ankle. I took my I've pack off my head and handed it to them. "Take it" "You had it on your head though" I froze. Tyler. "N..No it's fine... T.. Trust me". He slowly took it. " I have another ankle brace in my locker that could fit you" I turned to face him. I pulled up my pants leg to reveal a brace. "You sure? " "I'm sure, they ran out of braces at the moment". He had some tears in his eyes. "Does it hurt that much?" He nodded. "I'm going to go get my brace" "N.. No I'm fine" "There are tears in your eyes, I'm getting it". He couldn't do much do he just watched as i got up. I immediately got light headed and my ken ankle gave out on me.. Oh boy. I just closed my eyes and prepared myself for a cold and painful impact. (The floor is cold) But I felt something catch me. I swear this was how each love story began, but he had caught me and ignored his pain, tears filled his eyes. I squirmed away hitting the floor. He had hurt himself to stop me from falling. I immediately got up "I'm so sorry I'm so sorry! " I screeched. "N.. No I'm ok, please sit"

I was having anxiety over the fact he hurt himself to help me. I was fucked. I limped around the hallways. The I spotted Sean. His face of fear immediately faded when he relized what happened. "Kyle? " "Yeah, I'm good though". I wasn't gonna talk about what happened in the nurses office. It was 3 periods since that happened. " We should head off to study hall so we don't get yelled at for standing around. " He told me "I'm not getting ISS again. "
*you maybe wondering, why would you get ISS (in school suspension) for something small? " In my school, it's strict VERY VERY STRICT. The smallest thing could get you ISS or OSS (outside of school suspension). I've almost got sent to the office for standing around the lunch room. I was a inch away from my seat. Ok let's continue*

We sat down I  think decently sized room as the teacher sat at his desk scribbling away. "What do you have to do? " "Some PJ"
*a PJ is a personalized journal in my ELA class, a LJ is a literary journal, if you want the teachers to read a PJ you must write a note at the top saying to read it*
"What's it about? " Sean asked. Secretly I actually enjoyed writing a good love story. "Eh something" I didn't like talking about it because I was told only girls wrote stories like that. Which I think everyone could. "A knock off of something you saw on the internet? " "Yeah" I was a very good liar I learned over the years. He pulled out a fat book while I pulled out my white and black composition. "That's a big book" "Yeah, it's very 18+ and graphic, the book is called GLASS" "What's it about? "a girl that got attracted to a monster that became a teen mom, I'm pretty sure she has addictions and boarder line personality disorder, the 1st book was called CRANK and I haven't read it in a while"
* sorry for another pause but I'm currently reading glass and I didn't know it was a sequel so idk what crank is about lol, it's done book report I'm forced to do*
I giggled a bit at the word crank because it was a childhood nickname that I liked. I liked electronics and if was cranky you could sure as hell tell..... Fuck getting off topic. He started to read as I pulled out my pen and began to write.

The breeze chilled her bones as she sat on the edge of the cliff. One jump could finally set her sorry soul free. She inched closer to the edge. It was a beautiful view of her home town. She always wanted to die near her home town or a beach. Theast thing she would aee before her demise was her town. Where she grew up, met her soulmate, been Heart broken, meet friends, lost em. Memories have sprouted like flowers here, some beautiful some ugly. Some picked away to be put in a vase, and died away. She remembered the day she made a pansexual flag and stuck it into a tree besides her lovers flag, the non binary flag. She will truly miss Ashton, who was dying in the hospital.

I felt tears come to my eyes. I dropped my pen loudly and sighed, which made Sean look up, he chuckled a bit and continued reading. 35 minutes had passed, wow. There was 5 minutes left until I was off to computer class. I packed up and waited impatiently, finally the bell rang and i shot out of the room like a rocket, the class was a crossed the entire school, now note this school is HUGE AND PACKED. I always attempted to leave as fast as I could so I wouldn't get caught up in the crowds. I swiftly dropped off some dead weight and booked it up a small flight of stairs, through a hallway, nearly umped down a huge flight and ran. But unlucky me I flew face first into the ground, knocking another person over. My chin smashed on the floor causing me to bite my lip hard. "I'm so sorry!! " I yelled, spitting some blood out. Oh god...... Tyler got up and noticed my bloody mess.

Tyler pov:
"Go to the nurse quick, I'll tell the teacher where you are" I said a bit harshly. He quickly ran to the nurse grabbing his notebook, I grabbed mine. I walked off to class.
The teacher let us have a study hall due to the internet being down. I opened the notebook, this wasnt my hand writing, I flipped through, yeah this wasn't my notbook. I noticed one story that was neatly written. I was very curious so I began to read. *he's reading the thing eth wrote earlier*. I stared at the notebook, wow.

*OML I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE MY MOTIVATION DIED, I GAINED 100+ SUBS AND COPPA HAD BEEN STRESSING ME TF OUT, when I got my motivation back I decided to do this I made it decently long but I got lazy at the end.... Sorry Tyler's pov will be longer! Also I had my cousin over all weekend, I'm getting sick and thanksgiving break is in less than a day*

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