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Tyler pov
After our little ecounter on the bridge we haven't spoke to each other, really I couldn't tell if he was ok or not but I never asked because who knows? It could be really private or whatever. It was getting pretty cold around here so I decided to stop at my my locker to pull out my sweatshirt which I left in my locket half of the time. As I ran closer to my locker I heard very angry whispering, venom dripping from each word and threat. I didn't like this. I didn't like it at all. I snuck to the "abandoned hallway" Which is a hallway that's vacant and just lonley. The dusty locked up classroom just begged for attention, the desk sat there alone with a chair flipped on top, dust caked each class, old posters still up, the ones that were taped on the wall either were on the verge of falling or have already fallen, the light hasn't touched a single inch in each room for years, at the end was a exit that no one used. I walked closer to the wispering, the floor was so clear and clean besides very faded foot prints from the janitors and the people over here, and now me. I saw the huge tack board on one if the walls, so many tacks were stuck there unused, it was torn up after years of it being put to use, now it fits there alone. The bad thoughts were ready to consume me at this point but I shook my head to clear my head. I put the most important thoughts, these wispers and my soul mate. They were my top priority for the moment. Then I noticed fuckboy Kyle. He held someone's collar to their shirt and was nearly spitting in their face, you could practically see the smoke erupting from his ears, you could tell by his voice and actions that he was very very pissed. The victims hoodie was up and it hid their face, they were shaking so badly, finally Kyle's voice got a bit louder so I could hear. "I hope you remember your fucking soul mate gave up on you, your mine and only mine! Go Coward away with them but you will always come back to good old kyle boy! " He hissed, he started to giggle like a fucking maniac. "I may be your EX but you will always love me and only me" He choked out between his giggles, the victim nodded, "no one will ever love you, only me, your friends? Nope they hate you and your the reason why your dad is a whisky (alcohol, it's easier to remember) addict and why your mom is dead. " Then the victim stopped whimpering, they stopped shaking. It was silent, then I noticed the persons hand ball into a fist. "Soulmates are the reason why my family is torn you fucking cunt!" Then the person nailed kyle in the head, then he ripped of his hood and was about to book it, it was the one and only Ethan. Kyle shot up and grabbed his hood, he ripped extremely hard back the boy to choke for air. He flew back onto Kyle and yelped, Kyle placed his hand over his mouth. "You thought it would be that easy to escape your true soul mate? We are destined to be together boy" "N.. No! You don't have one! " He whined "no, he's right here" I was going to get sick just by listening to the man whore's sickening words. Then Kyle placed his hand around his throat, Ethan was extremely fast and elbowed him in the throat and tried to run, then Kyle pulled out Scissors, With out any thought or control and charged at Kyle knocking him to the ground, "OOF!" he huffed, I knocked the air straight out of his lungs. 1% of me wished that the impact killed him, the scissors went flying, and luckily Ethan caught them. "I'm getting a teacher!! " Ethan screamed, he was trying to get his voice heard, "SOMONE HELP!! " he screamed for everyone to hear, he ran off trying to get attention. I was confused, why would he do that?. After at least a minute 5 different teachers came running, I purposely let him choke me, well really he didn't because he was a pussy, people were scared of me. The teachers yanked  him off while I faked to be out of breath. Ethan had pure horror in his eyes, "he didn't choke or hurt me" I mouthed. The horror flushed from his face and he nodded.
After that he was in OSS for assault and shit and I got ISS for a day,  Ethan only got in trouble for interrupting class which was retarded but if I said anything then it would just get worse for the both of us. Around lunch he stood around the hallways, looking fine somone or something. I went to give get lunch so I was in the hallways going back to the ISS room. He looked over and his eyes lit up. "Oh hey!" He said running over, I tilt my head a bit confused. "No need to go there, I got you covered" He told me excitedly. "What do you mean? " "Let's just say I'm a good talker" He grinned, I chuckled at him. "Seriously? " "Yeah, now let's go in the lunch room" He said grabbing my hand and dragged me in the lunchroom. Butterflies spread throughout my entire body. I tired to shake the feeling. We walked outside to the ground which had a blanket. Mark sat their patiently laying down watching the beautiful sky. "Hey tyler" Mark said without moving. "Heard the rumors dude, thank god he got OSS." We sat down, "yeah the fuckboy deserved it's I instantly regretted it. " Y.. Yeah" Ethan trailed off, on cue Sean happily walked on over. "Hey guys! " "Hey Sean" Ethan said happily. "Heard about you and your ex, I can't believe he di- I'm do sorry Ethan" He slapped his hand onto his mouth stopping him from letting any more words bleed out. "No Sean, I should probably talk about it because it's eating me from the inside out." For some reason I had the urge to protect the poor boy. We had locked eyes when I saw him at the bridge and somthing connected in some way. It was a unusual feeling.
"Hey dude"
"Tyler "

I snapped back into reality. "He does that when he's deep in thought" Mark sat up right and Ethan backed up, he was waving his hand in front of me. "Oh sorry" I had a nervous blush on my face, I wish I could get up and wash it off with cleaning alcohol. "We I mine as well explain my relationship" Ethan sighed.

Ethan pov
I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I had to.
7th grade
The anger pierced my soul, his voice had the accent of the devil, I swear. He wanted to hurt me. I started hanging put with some friends more. He said I was a cheating bastard that was a fake gay. He raised his fist ready to strike. This time I wasn't gonna take it, no way.... No way in hell he was going to hurt me. I blocked his punch, the hit on my arm sent waves of launch up and down my arm, I held back a wimper. The obvious disgusting displayed on his pale face. His beautiful brown sparking eyes we're now dark and full of hell.
"So that was the day you broke up with him? How did you guys meet? " Mark asked very surprised but it was hinted with confusion and curiosity. "We met in 5th grade, 2nd friend from here, Sean moved here when I did." Tyler was in awe, I was a bit surprised by his reaction, never expected him to react like that. "Yeah, now here's done backstory of me and fuckboy. " I felt more comfortable with calling him fuckboy because I've been convincing myself he wasn't the only one I could love, he was just a sex living fuckboy. It was hard to admit but it felt good to admit that. Sean was ready to kill Kyle, he couldn't stand hearing that story he just wanted Kyle to pay. I picked up a pen and started doodling around. "Sooo, let's not think of the bad things, let's talk about something else"
We talked a bit about random drama and shit but mostly I focused on my doodles, I was trying to hide the cuts, they itched a lot "I'm going to the bathroom" I said getting up "alright" Sean said in a worried voice. "I'll be ok, Kyle is in OSS" I mouthed. He nodded. I didn't mention his friends still stuck around.

*trigger warning, viewer discretion is advised, that is not my picture*

I hurried of ready to clean these damn things. When I got in I was lucky and no one was in there. I sighed in relief. I pulled up my sleeve. It revealed a arm full of cuts.

*insert deleted photo*

I scrubbed them trying to clean the scabs off making the water and Laker towel red. I grunted in annoyance and just gave up, at least they stopped itching. I hid my arms, sadly I whiped some if my doodle off but I could re draw it if I had or wanted to. Now I had to get back outside safely without running into Kyle's friends.... Oh boy

*you may be wondering.... "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOW A PICTURE!?OLD OF CUTS" I just wanted to put a visual of his wounds. Now it's NOT my picture I found it on google, now I need to head off to bed or I'll fall asleep trying to type.... Night y'all hope yall have a good night 💕*

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