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*Tyler's pov will be longer I
p r o m i s e also the song I have up there is one of my favorites, don't judge it's in Spanish and has a powerful message behind it*

Ethan pov
I held the gaw to my lip and frantically looked through the notebook, I grabbed the wrong one, oh god oh fuck. I decided to read one because, it seemed a bit interesting.

*how PJ'S are formatted, also if I butchered your last name I'm sorry I guessed*

Tyler Schied
Today was a fucking mess, so far I almost starting crying over ankle pain in front of one of the geeky kids. He offered to get me a brace I told him not to be he insisted, he fell and I saved him from hurting himself despite my ankle pain. 50% I regret it and 50% I don't. Sorry for my language Mr. Snell but I'm not in a good mood. I also have to deal with the soulmate thing, I want to find him/her before the Halloween dance. Hopefully I can because I heard someone is supposed to be transferring schools in my grade. I shouldn't care but 1. They could be my soul mate, 2 I don't know who they are! Ok the bell is about to ring. Bye.

He was talking about me. I was transferring schools probably. Probably around Christmas. I dunno.

Tyler pov:
I walked out of computer class to find the poor boy, here's the thing... I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS FUCKING NAME. HIS NAME ISN'T IN THE GODDAMN NOTEBOOK. My only hope was to find that green Irish kid. I have to find him soon. But then I realized, lunch was next! It was going to be so easy to find him! I ran off to my locker to drop off some useless stuff I didn't need. Then the Irish kid was waiting impatiently near lockers,  I guessed one of them was his because of small three leaf clover sticker. The other I think is the blue boys because I noticed some gear doodles in his notebook, and there were little doodles of them in the locker besides it. I started walking over there, then Sean saw me coming, fear flashed in his eyes. "Hey" My voice came out as husky for not speaking for a fat minute. "H.. Hi?" He was confused but still intimidated by my voice. I cleared my throat attempting to get rid of the husky tone. It worked only a small bit. "Is this.. The blue kids locker? This is his notebook, we accidentally took each other's note books. " "Y.. Yeah... He is at the nurse for running into somone... The 2nd time today, wait here he comes now" He pointed behind me. The poor boy had bags under his eyes, there were dry tears and he was obviously recovering from a panic attack. "Eth!? What happened to you!? " Sean cried running to the small  male. There was dry blood on his chin. "N.. Nothing another panic atta- Sean? " He asked looking at me. "He is returning your notebook". "Eth's" Face flashed a obvious fake smile. "Thank you so much! I'm sorry about earlier how I ran into you and made your hurt your ankle and-" "Shhh, it's ok I haven't yelled at ya yet" "True.... Thank you Tyler" "No problem.... Umm... " "Ethan" "Yeah, no problem Ethan" We exchanged note books and headed seperate ways. I kinda felt bad how I flashed fear into others eyes but, I don't blame them for being scared. I sat down at one of the back tables waiting for everyone else to come. I picked up my phone and started flipping through my social media,  I assumed that mark was back in the iss room. The school hates him and lately he hadn't been doing really anything but God for bit he raises his voice while switching classes in a loud ass hallway to talk to somone who is acrossed the hall. see what I'm getting at? I hate this school and almost everyone in the damn thing. Just thinking about it made my blood boil. I was getting pissed, I couldn't really calm myself and of course the gym was closed.
*there is actually a area in my school were there are weights*
I put my phone down and looked around. Hoping to see somone that could catch my eye. (Somone he knows) from the very small hallway teens and failures pooled into the cafeteria. Then I noticed someones hair. Electric blue (lol guess who that is) and  neon green hair. Looked like their heads glew. Ethan's face was full of worry and it was obvious he was claughsterphobic (I probably butchered the fuck outta the word but I'm too lazy to google) Sean seemed on edge. I watchee were they carefully walked over to. My heart dropped when I saw where they sat. It was the table where kyle and his guy friends sat. They treated every beta male, female... Well everyone (there are non binary, trans and gender fluid people in this I'm trying to make this very friendly ok!!) Like pets or toys. Oh fuck. I got up ready to storm over there. I can't let them hurt more innocent souls, like theirs. "Tyler wait" I heard somones voice. It was Mark. "I know who your after. I practically see the smoke erupting from your ears. " "Who am I after then? " I was annoyed by his cocky aditude. "Kyle and his fuck boys, just got out of ISS, I heard rumors from the emo kids about what kyle was doing and what's been happening, they are ready to defend us". I was surprised. " Seriously? " "Yeah, they sure as hell are sneaky, now first we need to see what's happening with kyle over there before we found anything". " First of all, when did you find out about anything!? " "I got out when the lunch bell rang,  they were waiting for new outside the ISS room" "Damn, let's do this". I really didn't understand why I wanted to save him. But my blood was boiling and I wanted him away. " We snuck over there. For some reason, they let Sean go. We heard him pleading over something but Kyle's friend Anthony threatened to break his neck. Sean walked off scared, poor boy was trembling. He looked up and saw us. He was ready to book it. "Sean wait" Mark called out. "W.. What..? " He tensed up. "What are they doing over there". " Can't say or Ethan's wrist will be snapped. " "They can't even break a stick, tell us now" Mark practically hissed. "Fine, if we get beaten it's your fault..... They are mentally hurting him right now". I was about to kill them. I swear, Mark grabbed my arm he could tell I was pissed. " We are getting him-" "NO!! " he screeched. "They are-" "I'm going over there" I said storming over there. They saw me walk over, a sick grin grew on Kyle's face. "Hey bud? Ready to rejoin us? " "Fuck no". " No need to be harsh buddy" "I have a hood reason to be harsh, let Ethan go". His cocky smile weakened. " Why?" "Because I said so". " He's my boyfriend bitch". Kyle hissed. Ethan looked over to him. dumb founded. He wanted to choke that mother fucker, I could tell by his expression. "His face says different, I'll tell your dad bitch". His, face went pale. " Take him" He rolled his eyes. Fear very obvious in them. "Cmon" I tried to say in a soothing voice, but when I'm pissed my voice is deep. He nodded, he was thanking Jesus for this moment. As he walked by he gripped my wrist and told Sean to follow, Sean grabbed marks wrist and dragged is out of the lunch room yo the decently quiet hallway. I don't really think they were happy with us.

Told you I'd make a bigger pov for him, I made a very small part for eth because I needed to 😌

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