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*possible smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

Ethan pov
I thankfully didn't run into any of them. I safely made it back outside. "Isn't your dad supposed to be put of town? "  Sean asked. "Mhm....?" "We've been talking, what if we all hing out your place....? " Sean asked shyly. "Sure". Sean stared at me. " Seriously?" "Yeah". I was surprised with myself to be honest but no turning back now. " Could we maybe hang out today? " "Hes gone so yeah" Everything was going so fast at this point I felt like I was suffocating. "Ethan are you sure? " Seana Skedee again. I sighed. "I'm always alone dude so we should hang out" "What about a sleep over? " Mark said clueless of why I was scared. "Eh..... We have to stay only in my room and my room only, and maybe a bit in the living room but that's it" I dug myself a entire ravine at this point. Sean grinned excitedly, Tyler was happy and Mark was very happy. "Me and Tyler will get away from our parents, Jesus Christ they are so horrible" Mark said relieved. Tyler nailed him in the arm. "Aye! " "No it's ok, me and Sean also have horrible home lives" Sean was surprised I was open but my dumbass got myself stuck in this so I mine as well play along. "What time? " Tyler asked. "Eh right after school, we can stop-" "No, we don't need to change me and Mark have a extra pair of clothing in our lockers." "What about you Sean?" "I'm good, I can borrow a few things" "Sounds like a plan" I nodded. I actually felt good about doing this but very very fucking terrified.

We walked down the street, my house was a bit far away sadly. "So got any games? " Mark asked."Yeah I've got a Xbox with crash Bandicoot and that stuff" (I have a Xbox so he has one in this) "what's your gamertag? I can add you" "Ill write it on a paper when we get home." Mark nodded. I looked up and the gloomy sky, it was a mix of greys and whites. The sky threatened to rain or thunder. It was September but the weather was bi polar. (New York weather around September is bi polar so I'm sticking to my weather dAmN iT) we arrived to my Erie house, it was a sickly grey, the windows were covered by curtains from the inside, home sweet home....? We got in, I held my breath expecting to hear snoring. But thankfully it was dead quiet besides us. "What's with-" "He's a alcoholic, it's because my mom killed herself because of him, soul mates. He refused to recover from the hungover and used alcohol and me as a coping mechanism." "What do you mean... You...? " "I'm a punching bag" I said coldly.
We hung out in my room playing 2v2 videogames, eventually i played Mario Kart against Tyler, I was doing decently well untill at the last second Tyler speedd past me (look I don't play Mario don't get bitchy if I mess up, I'm using Google and my knowledge from kids are school damn it-) "what!? " I said in a high shrill voice. "Gotcha bud" He grinned. I growled (which I do when I'm pissed) "aw is the little puppy mad? " Mark teased. Sean was about to burst at the seams. "I swear to fUcking-" I slapped my hands over my mouth. My voice cracked. Sean lost it and fell the floor in a fit of giggles and high pitched laughing. We all started to laugh non stop. It's been  awhile since I actually laughed, it felt nice. We played for a bit before i noticed a devilish grin spread acrossed sean's face.  "Sean...? You Irish drunk what are you thinking" I growled. "Ha Irish drunk, nice one" Mark said chuckling. "Remember your neighbors? " I nearly choked on my soda. "SEAN" "cmon we spied of them and they were going at it! It was funny when we chucked a rock at their kitchen window and scared the hell outta them" (It's based on the scene in big mouth where one kid's neighbors were going at it on kitchen table....) "We almost got caught! " "So? " Tyler and Mark looked at each other confused. "My neighbors fuck on the kitchen table sometimes so we throw stuff at their windows" I told them, they each started to laugh. "Look, it's annoying when I hear moaning at 3am damn it" I rolled my eyes "so you want to go tease them eh? " I looked back at Sean. "Fuck yeah"

Tyler pov
So Ethan's neighbors fuck on the kitchen table!? I feel bad for the kid for hearing porn from his neighbors at 3am.i almost started laughing from that thought. We snuck outside into the pretty dark and cold outside. "Peak over the fence Sean to see if they are even there, I'll get rocks" Ethan crouched and went into the darkness of where ever the hell he went. There was only a glow from the outside light from next door which bled through the fence a bit. "Got the rocks" He handed them to us. "There are fucking going at it, let's do it now". " Guys get up and be ready to throw " "Will we break the Windows?" I asked. "Aim at the house, these are really small and rocks, we just wanna scare not damage" Ethan told me. "Alrighty then..... " I haven't been this scandalous in a while. "1... 2...3..GO! " we tossed, we heard the rocks hit the plastic house siding, we heard a scream and crashing. "OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? " I herd a male voice "SON OF A BITCH!" a female voice screamed. "Guys inside now!! " Ethan whispered very loudly. We booked it to the house still crouching.
"If they knock, shut the desk lamp off and stay quiet" Ethan said calmly. "When I do this shit I almost get arrested" I told him kinda paranoid. "I'm a sneaky and slick lil shit, we will be fine" He grinned. "Guys should we set up our beds? " Mark asked. "I've got a bunk bed obviously and I've got a cot and and some blankets and pillows" "Could someone share beds?" Mark asked "I dunno" I shrugged "like someone's head could be at the top and somone else's head could be at the bottom." "Isn't that gay?" Sean asked. "Sean we are all gays here, at least I think so who gives a fuck" Ethan tells him. "We should probably share our sexualties and statsso we become more comfortable with each other" U said. Ethan nodded. "I'll start, I'm searching for my soul mate,I'm asexual and 100% homo" Ethan said proudly. "I'm crushing,and bisexual" Sean told us. "Onto you Mark" "Crushing and Gay all the way baby, now Tyler, don't be shy" Mark winked. I rolled my eyes at his gay ass "I'm searching, and I'm  Pansexual and Demisexual" I sighed. "Never met a aromatic person that's on a different part of the scale, I only knew Tyler and some other kid Mark said kinda curious. " Many aromatics hide it because we get told we are faking it and are invalid, we get told that it's just a phase or you won't like it till you try it, it gets pretty fucking annoying " Ethan said in a sad voice. Someone that finally understands my issues more. Yeah mark was 50/50, he sorta undersrood but at the same time he didn't. "Since we got the simple ol stuff outta the way, leyshead off to bed because it's fuckin 2am" We looked over at the time surprised. "Oh, well who's sharing beds? " "I'm sleeping on his bean bag chair" I said quickly "you sure? It seems it would be a uncomfortable" "Just hand me a pillow and blanket, I'll make it work"

I tossed and turned,  not because of the bean bag but my PTSD was fucking with me, I could barely breathe at this point, I didn't know what to do. Where would I go? I left my pills at home because I had forgotten them completely. I sighed, then I heard soft snoring. I looked around in the darkness to find out who was do it because, it was a bit cute. I focused on it then breathing started to slow as the memories started to fade away. Then I started to listen to the soft pitter patter of the rain on the roof. Eventually I was breathing normally and started to slowly but surely fall back asleep.

HA! YOU THOUGHT THERE WAS GONNA BE SMUT BETWEEN EM HUH?! well fuck no 😂 but I recently fucked up my phone (I cracked the screen or screen protector) and I have my Christmas choir concert on Tuesday so I'm extremely stressed the fuck out, like really really stressed. I'm getting back into making YouTube videos also. I might be a bit less active here..... But who knows
I hope y'all enjoyed, it's gonna get deep, trust me.

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