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No music this time, just this satanic cat I found in a reply on one of Ethan's tweets

Ethan pov:
I woke up to a loud screeching noise "turn the fuckin alarm off!!" I shrieked. Sean fell of the top bunk. "Ya bastards!" He whinned. Tyler looked up quickly. I shot my head under my pillow. The sleeves on my arms pulled up revealing the cuts and doodles. (His arms are hidden) I was only proud of the doodles, I hated the cuts so much but they were apart of me. I got up hiding my arms. I wore fingerless gloves that went up high to hide myself. "What's with the emo style? " Mark asked. "I like wearing gloves" I lied. I liked wearing them but but they were mostly just hiding me. "Y'all ready to head on out? " "Sure, looks like the rain calmed on down, I'm suprised I even fell asleep to be honest" I told everyone. Tyler looked away a bit with a grin on his face. "Whatcha smiling about over there bud? " I asked. "Just thought of something from the internet". I swear his face was a bit crimson red. " Let's go on out before, well if the storm starts up again " I told everyone.
It was VERY CHILLY. It froze my damn soul. As we walked through the swaying trees a memory sparked deep in my head. "Sean! Treehouse! " "I completely forgot about that thing! It's been years!" He said excitedly "what are you guys talking about? " Mark asked "The neighbors that moved a few years back a little tree house for us where we would go after school almost everyday and hang out and so pit homework" Sean explained "I'm pretty sure our little cheat-sheet is up there" I grinned "no way! Do you think it's destroyed? " "Nope don't think so because it's wrapped in a towel on that little secret compartment. " " It's even got some memories in that think" Sean smirked. My face became a dark, I mean very dark crimson red. "Oh god seaaan, we should probably pay attention to where we are going" "True, remember our little red ribbon? " "Yeah, look" I point to very worn out red ribbon, it was extremely faded but I knew it was it. We followed it through a very narrow path. Then we found it.

"Look! It's even got the math answers from 7th grade! Got Mrs Mary's math class ones! This book got us through our exams holy shit" Sean laughed. Mark and Tylerw watched as me and Sean we nearly crying. "I wish I knew about this, I really needed help with common core 7-8! Almost failed that topic" Mark said. "Same here, we both sucked" Tyler chimed in. Which he never does. Sean dug out a small red journal, it was dusty and was a bit beaten up. There was a lock keeping it shut. My stomach fuckin dropped. "Oh ethy boy~ look at this! " Sean threw up to the ground, it hit the floor with a thud. "Sean whyyyy I hope you don't have the key!!! " I whined "whats that? " Tyler asked. "Our little diary~" Sean said evily. "I will murder you Irish man" I growled. "What's so Bad about it? " "One way it's bad is that we played spin the bottle, AND RECORDED WHO WE KISSED" I said in embarrassment. "Doesn't seem that bad to me still" Tyler shrugged. "Found the key!" Sean laughted unlocking it. I shrieked and hid my face. "Wait, DAMN IT!" "What?? " "We took the fucking pages out... But.... " He pointed to a page. "Sean! You've likes his ass for years! You've gotta ask him out! " I shrieked. It was a page where Sean would talk about how he would ask his good ol crush out. Marks face kinda turned sad a bit but kept a smirk. I was about to make Sean hate/love me. "What's with the sour face bud? " I asked. Sean gave me the unholy death glare. "What do you mean?" "When I said that your face grew sour. " Sean growled silently. "N.. No... " He looked away. I looked at Tyler. He knew what I was doing at this point, he gave a grin. He was going to do some "magic" Of his own. "Mark cmoon there is something wrooong" He whinned. Now Mark and Sean had unholy death stares. "Nothing you big dick!" "Thanks for pointing it out bud, admit it your jealous" "About what" Mark hissed. "Both but mostly about seans lil crush eh? " "No you big bitch! " "When Ethan mentioned his lil crush you got all sour, cmon your jealous" "You mother fucker" Sean whispered to me. "You should be thanking me" I whispered back. "What if I am" We heard mark whisper extremely quietly. "What..? " Sean asked hushed. "What if I am jealous? It shouldn't matter" Mark said hushed again hiding his face. I looked at Tyler who looked at me. I grinned at him. He tried to hold in his laughter. "You shouldnt be ya know...." Sean trailed off. Mark looked up. "Eh? You mean-". I swear they both were glowing red at this point.

Tyler pov:
As they fuckin " Made out " In the corner I got many sick ass pics. We finally left the tree house because we needed to sleep or we'd be so tired to do anything tomorrow. Ethan was walking like a drunkin man because he was so tired. "You need help bud? " I asked giggling. "Sureeeee" He slurred and fell into me. "I can tell he doesn't stay up much." I laughed "not much lately but he does stay up late a lot. " Sean replied. "so ya know we have svhool tomorow... are we gonna skip?' i ask "bad idea probaly" "why?" "His dad and my aunt n uncle might find out" "Let's hope a miracle happens and we don't have to go"

I really was trying to get this up before Christmas and do a few chapters that took place through the rest of September-November BUT IVE HAD NO MOTIVATION FOR WRITING, i got a Gaming computer for Christmas, I've been streaming with Bakugou006 alot so um going to fast forward to December before Ethan's big choice about moving. Then I'LL TRY TO MAKE SOMETHING BEFORE NEW YEAR'S, MAYBE IF THIS IS STILL GOING FOR TYLER'S BIRTHDAY BUT IDKKK THIS MIGHT BE A LONG ONE BOIS!!
Also I've gotten into 3D animation, Mine-imator, all that.
Alright lil moons ima be workin my ass off 😂

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