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Ethan pov:
Why did my anxiety gotta fuck with me at the WORST TIME POSSIBLE!? I tried to focus on the rain but my breathing was too loud I got up and reached for my headphones and phone. Music always relaxed me, no matter what type it let my mind focus on something else, then it'll eventually forget about what I was thinking about before.

~insert pic that got deleted~

"Bad idea" I whispered. I never understood why but those songs just reminded me that it's ok. As I started to breathe slowly there was a huge crash. It was thunder. I yelped quietly and cuddled into the covers. That sparked a distant memory which used to make me smile, now it makes me cry.

"Babe are you ok? "
It was Kyle, his voice and face was plastered with worry
"It's j... Just the thunder"
I was practically shaking the entire bed. I was so scared.
He laid down then pulled me down. He wrapped his arms around me. I inched to pull up the covers.
The memory made me shudder. I couldn't believe that monster was once mine. I snuck out if the room to my bathroom to look at myself. I was a fucking mess, my blue hair stuck to my head like it was glued and shit. Tears threatened to fall from my blank eyes. My breathing hitched up quickly. I looked away to not look at myself. I snuck back to listen to my music, then I noticed a dark figure that was sitting up, their face was lit up by a phone screen and their body was abit illuminated by the street light but I was growing dizzy from the anxiety. I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus. Tyler was sitting up looking at his phone with headphones in his ears. Maybe he won't notice. I tried to sneak over but my clumsy ass tripped on someone's bag. "Oof-!" I wheezed quietly. Apparently he had one ear bud out, he tapped his phone and pulled the other headphone out and looked over. I was silently cursing to myself. "Aye, you good over there?" He reached for something, glasses. I never seen him in glasses. I assumed he didn't have his contacts in which I think he does have them so he needs the glasses to see. He walked over carefully and helped me up. " You good? Looks like ya got the air knocked out of you" "I'm good, I just need yo find my inhaler." Asthma was fucking horrible. ( I could write a whole book on how much I hate asthma) I scurried over to my dresser, I pulled out two. One of them was grey, the other orange. ( I have one grey one orange. The orange was stronger and the grey was normal) in the dim street light I saw the grey one and took two puffs. I put them away. "I guess we are all up? " I heard Sean say, he uncovered his head. He had headphones in and his phone was on low brightness. "Mark and I have been texting each other, pull the blanket off of him". I shrugged and walked over to him, I saw a very dim light and pulled. " I wasn't doing anything I swear! " He shrieked. "It's 3am, keep it down" I hissed. "I told them, we are all up." After a long pause I heard a husky voice suggest, "what if we went out and played around in the storm? " "Hell yeah! I can get stuck by lightning!" Mark stumbled up. "I guess it'll be fun.. . ? " Sean said a bit confused. "Why would we do that? " I asked. "It's fun fucking around in the pounding rain, the wind whipping is also really fun to run around in". " I dont know-" On cue hail pounded the poor house. I yelped. "Guess that idea is outta the question, what else? " "What if we woke up at 3 or 4am to go out to the trail which is behind Ethans house" Sean said "if the rain calms down then yeah" I agreed. Tyler nodded. "Let's hope, I wanna go in the woods when it's dark and rainy, might get chased by somthin" I rolled my eyes. "We should head off back to bed probably so we have energy to do anything" Tyler told us. "Your right, let's head off to bed, I really wanna go" Mark said yawning. "I'll set alarm so your asses will wake up" He added pulling out his phone. "Classic Mark" Tyler chuckled "but for once he has a smart idea". Mark punched him in the arm " Not my fault my phone died and we were late to the competition". That sparked a memory. "Doesn't that remind you of the time out competitions were in the same area and we forgot to wake each other up and we were late.... Sean" I giggled a bit. "Oh shush! We were both extremely nervous damn it! " "Says that guy who I had to drive my ass to your house to drag you outta bed! " I stuck my tongue out. He did the same.
I threw myself into bed, since it was quier I could hear the hail perfectly. I started to panic once again. Eventually I heard rustling. "You ok eth?" I heard the same husky voice say, their voice was heavy with sleep. "N.. No" "What's wrong? The storm getting to you?" "Yeah.... I admit it, I'm fucking scared Tyler" He say down besides me, I froze up when he hugged me. "I understand, anxiety is horrible. Is there anything I could do? " I'm pretty sure I turned into the color of a fuckin tomato at this point. He let go probably noticing how stiff I was. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" He said apologetic. For some reason, I kinda missed being hugged, I actually felt safe. "It just sparks a memory of me a Kyle..... No worries" "Sorry, I hope you don't get mad but I think he's such a huge ass hole" " I'm finally seeing his true colors, well what he is now, he was do nice and caring then he just snapped. Now I want him gone out of my life forever. " I said harshly. "I can tell you really trusted him, I tell my friends this, everytime someone leaves you, it opens the opportunity to find the one you've been looking for" (My personal quote) Right at that moment the tears started to flow as I quietly sobbed. "I.... I just think it's m.. my fault h... He snapped! My mental problems could have made him snap! What if it was my fault!? " I screamed silently. "It isn't your fault, there would have been obvious warning signs which would indicate stress that you could have possibly caused. But, in my opinion, if you start to date someone you should be prepared to handle those situations and give support to their partner. And I will never understand if someone hates you ever, how could they?" I looked up. "What? "Yeah, I've noticed you ever since you transfered here, you've always been so polite to others really no matter what. You'd do anything to keep someone safe or happening even if they necessarily are mean half the time. Your obviously a good friend Sean and a good boyfriend to Kyle, now whoever is your soulmate will be extremely lucky to have you to death." I stared at him in the darkness. Then I hugged him. I didn't want to let go at this point. He noticed that I was comfortable so he hugged back. Of course my sorry ass couldn't hold it back anymore and let the sorry ol tears flow once again.

Tyler pov
Besides the crying part, I was enjoying every second of this. He had his head nuzzled into my neck as he stopped crying slowly. I rubbed his back slowly to calm him down. Eventually his quiet sobs turned into soft snores. Who would ever want to hurt someone so fucking precious!? Yeah I just said that, the fuck you gonna do about it? I laid him down slowly trying to not wake him up. As I let go a bit his grip grew tighter. I smiled a bit trying to slip away but it was no use, it was like we were glued together. Fuck it. I laid down besides him as he still held on for dear life. I couldn't tell if he was aware of what he was doing or not but I'm letting it happen any ways I inched one if my arms away and grabbed the blanket and covered us both. His snores now sounded like purrs at this point. I wrapped my arms around his chest as he slept peacefully. I was enjoying every second of this. At this moment I was thinking about ditching the soul mate thing. But I still focused on his breathing ignoring the crashing rain and booming thunder. I nuzzled my face into his neck closing my eyes drifting away slowly and peacefully
I awoke in some weird black area. A type of spot light shone down from above my head. A string was leading from inside my shirt outside going into the shadows. I tugged at it a bit. I heard extremely silent cursing as it got yanked. I stumbled forward a bit. I look down my shirt. There was a huge outline of a heart and there was stitch marks were the string was stitched to my flesh. I started to follow it as I saw a figure. Ethan. His hair was nearly glowing in the spotlight, his once blank green eyes we're sparking. His mouth curved into a knowing smile. Then realization hit me. He had to be my soul mate.
I blinked slowly. I looked around, my arm was starting to get numb and I noticed how he finally let go. I slipped away because it was 6 minutes before 4am. I yawned and stretched. I searched my bag for my hoodie and beanie. I also searched for my glasses because I wasn't fussing with my contacts. This was going to be a long walk.


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Im T I R E D
The day I'm posting this I had my choir concert and I have assignments due that I didn't do and I'm really STRESSED OUT.ive been dealing with a "friend" Who wants to kill the people who like me (its that bad) winter break is next weak so I'll (hopefully) be active but I really don't know. I wanna yeet myself off a building ok BYE-

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