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Tyler pov
"Now wait a second, your mad!? " I asked pretty pissed. "You messed with Kyle!! He is going to screw us over!! " Ethan hissed, venom dripping off his words "I don't want to be hur- never mind just the next time, don't bother helping me unless I seem like I'm in distress, same goes for you mark." Sean stood near him, agreeing. "We should go back in before we all get  ISS for breathing." He said annoyed.  I was getting pretty pissed, I just saved your ass!!. I wanted to yell but then something hit me like a ton of bricks to the bare skull, he almost said "hurt me" In his sentence. They grabbed their trays and left the lunch room, out the back door. They ate outside I guess, me and Mark went over near the tables that were near the huge windows, you could see the beautiful forest and creek besides the school. I ate a little but just focused on the swaying Willows and my thoughts, I'd get so lost in my thoughts I'd only focus on one thing no matter what happened. What did he mean by hurt him? What the hell has Kyler done!?. My trance was cut when I noticed Sean and Ethan sit near the windows outside, their hair glowing in the sun as it moves in the cool wind. In the sunlight I noticed the make up hidden bruises, my face went pale. Kyle did this. Then I heard mark mutter "kyle did that to Sean." He saw what I saw, make up hidden bruises, "Ethan's got the worse" He commented.  "I know..." I trailed off. "He's dead" I heard mark say but here's the thing, his voice was DEEP and he sounded like he was a mentally ill person who was mute for years that was about to snap. (... Don't question I fuckin describe things weird)

Ethan pov:
"Do you think they'll find out...?" My voice shook. "Let's hope they'll brush this off by tomorrow" Sean sighed, we felt their eyes burn into us. Finally the bell rang and we went inside throwing away the cheap foam trays and heading off to class.
Finally hell has ended and I was off to much worse hell, home. I walked into the house thanking my lucky stars for Lucifer not being home, yeah I call him Lucifer, it's that bad. I booked it up the stairs to just cry, Id always just cry till he got home then I'd hide doing homework. My phone was fucked and cracked so I cut my fingers on the cracks, I didn't mind to be honest but Sean was always busy and who else would I text? WiFi is also pure shit. So I curled up in bed and let tears fall down my face. I was a good silent cryer, but when I'm alone Im a loud as I can be, it's a way I vent. I forgot to put my contacts back in my locker, it's better off keeping it here but I'd have to hide it well. Eventually I was starting to drift away slowly in the warmth of the blankets, then the memories of Mom flooded in as fast as the tsunami that happened in 2004.(its a reference to a real deadly tsunami, I'm tired ok).

"Yes my little bean? "
"What are soulmates? "
"Well, it's when your soul Is connected to another, some people don't have soulmates but most do, around your age (5) is when you can start drawing on yourself and it will appear on the same exact spot my little blue bird"
"Do you think I have one? "
"Let's find out"
Ethan's mother grabs a marker and doodles a small heart on his palm
"Here's the thing about soulmates, you cannot write your name or really any hints on your appearance, this game of love is full of mystery and adventure! "  She Booped his nose, he giggled and reopened his hand, pure wonder filled his eyes
"Mommy mommy look! " He squealed. There was a small heart in black ink on the back of his hand
"Now see that? It's faded which means they are far away, but it's still visible so you could find them soon! "
"I wanna find them soon! "
"One day you will my little blue bird"
"Dad?" Ethan's voice was husky from sleep
"Go back to bed"
"Now, I swear if I don't see you back in that bed in 10 seconds your gonna get it boy! "
Ethan booked it back up the stairs throwing himself into the covers. He curled up and saw the clock he got for his 8th birthday last week.
"Dad will be back to normal soon.... "
The air was faint of whiskey from the bar down the street. He got up and opened a window breathing on cool fresh air. He doodled a little heart on his wrist. Then a black one appeared, he smiled.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~before I could go deeper into the memories of heard him cussing down stairs. I guess he's home huh. I got up and the chilly air engulfed my frail body (bIg BoY wOrDs) I pushed my chair in front of my door and locked it, I heard him down stairs crashing into things and cussing his heart out. I rolled my eyes at his retarded behavior. He was like a five year old, but WORSE. "This isn't going to be fun"

hey guys......
I have bad news, so today I went into school today (snow day was yesterday) and I was held after class in ELA, I had been fucking told that I failed Ela because I didn't do my journal (in Ela) I HANDED THE NOTEBOKK IN WITH COMPLETE PJ'S AND LJS AND HE SAW IT, HE RETURNED IT AND TOLD ME I DIDN'T DO MY WORK. I'M SO DONE AND NOW HE TOLD THE 7TH GRADE CLASSES INCLUDING MINE THAT TOMORROW WAS GOING TO BE  HELL I'M SO DONE I JUST GOT BACK FROM BREAK. I'm not happy, I FAILED ELA.... Alright I'll let y'all go,  cut short because I'm lazy.

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