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*this is a song from a edit of mark and jack from 2016, I don't remember where I found it but it hits home really hard because I was in a dark, a very dark place around that time so I cry everytime I hear it, I refound the song recently*


Tyler pov:
There was really nothing to do after school, I decided to walk down to the creek and watch the water, it brought back memories from my childhood with Mark, those were the golden days, childhood was much better than teenhood, so many things on our shoulders the were killing us slowly but in childhood we were free, nothing held us back..... Sorry for going on a Tangent.... I got my hoodie and hurries out the door into the cool air, I jogged down and went over to the old stone bridge, I looked over and saw the rushing water, memories flooded in as fast as the river was flowing,

"Mark!? " I cried out, I was getting pretty annoyed, he took my beanie that hid my head.
"Mark!! I'll tell your mom!!".
" Alright fine"
He hopped our from a bush
"Gotta get it first"
He tossed it into the river, I took a leap of faith and landed on a patch of smooth rocks, I aim how saved it.
" Oh boo hoo your no fun"
I got outta the water, I put my beanie down on a rock with my shoes and socks. Then I charged at him
I talked him into some decently deep water.
"No fair! "
He shrieked when he got his head outta the water
"Fair game though"
I smirked, he gave me a grin then submerged my head, we ended up playing or hours, we walked through town soaked completely, we were dripping every where, thankfully we had backpacks
"Hm? "
"Heard of the new kid?"
"Nah, what grade? "
"Seriously? "
"Yeah, maybe we can be friends"
"I hope"
I snapped outta my trance, I'd been there for a fat minute, I could tell because the air was much colder and the light in the sky was much dimmer (it was gloomy outside) my memories were a good way to brighten up my mood, well depending one what memory my brain could muster up. I got up and sat in the edge, I tossed a few crumbled stones from the wall into the river, I remember when it was all nice and fixed, it was brand new when I was younger, another memory started to kick in but I saw a silloutte walking towards me, I heard muffled sobs, they walked past me and sat a little bit away from me they pulled out a cracked phone. Being the curious cat I was I looked over at their phone. The one thing I read was

He hurt me bad

"Hey are you ok?". Person looked over, it was the one and only Ethan. He shook his head, he recognized me quickly. "What happened? Your crying really hard". He opened his mouth to speak but he choked on his words and then burried his head into he heads crying hard. I scooted over and put my arm around him attempting to be comforting. He tensed up a lot so I removed my arm, he sighed. "Why me? " He muttered. "What's wrong? " "Home life" He said in a cold voice, just hearing those words made my heart shatter, he must have home life issues like me. He quickly picked up his phone when it buzzed, "I gotta head out, see you in school" He said spinning around and getting back in the road. "Bye". He scurried off, I was back to my thoughts.... Soon enough I started to drown in the ocean of memories.

Ethan pov:
I laid on Sean's couch, he was in the kitchen making something, I was so tired and weak I just wanted to sleep and wake up with a whole new life. I started to pass out slowly untill a huge crash made me shoot up. "FOOKIN HELL! " He dropped a pan of some sort, I chuckled softly and laid back down making the hood cover my eyes. I curled up and tried to rest a bit, when I got home I would have to climb up through my window which is the 2nd story of my house. "Eth? " Sean whispered very softly. "Eh?" "I got somethin to eat if you want it, your skinny as hell". I nodded scooting up. I'll be honest with you, I starved myself a lot, it was easier to handle than the mental pain, yeah yeah it's cheesy I guess but it's true. He had made some soup. " It's all I could find at the moment, sorry" "No no, it's good Sean, your trying to help" He nearly ate the entire bowl because I was hungry as fuck "its sad your moving back to Maine soon" "I've got roots there, now I'll be back again so we can move out to LA". I weakly smiled. " True, now rest you gotta head out before my aunt and uncle get back, and you know they don't wanna see you" "Yeah yeah, they are pricks" I said flopping back down. "We all know that by now" He laughed walking off into the kitchen again. Eventually darkness consumed my sight and I was asleep...
Somehow I made it to my house before Sean's aunt and uncle came back I woke up right as they pulled in, and I had to sneak out... Now I must climb up. I quickly scrambled up the tree to get to my room, thankfully I, made it in one piece. Time to relieve some stress...


yeah it's  a horrible idea but that's kept mom sane for  a minute untill she tipped off the edge, I snuck into the bathroom and shut the door,  I silently rummaged through the messy bathroom. I pulled out my one and only blade.
I finished my test as fast as i could, I grabbed my broken sharpener and my scissors, I shoved them in my pocket, I raised my hand, "Mrs *insert teacher name* can i use the bathroom? " "Yes, take a pass". She told me, I hurriedly grabbed it and left. I could finally get this done. I jabbed at where the blade was untill finally I got it out *this was 7th grade*
I felt the coolness of the blade then the sting of the cut, I did it a few more times then whiped up the blood, I cleaned my blade and went off back to my bed to sleep.

*in the future I'll put more detail, but I have fucking exams trying to drown me so it might be lazy a bit and my all my classes suck because my specific class don't do shit so I'm stuck with do much hw please save mE-*

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