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Takin a nostalgia trip rn goin through some old songs i loved when I was young so expect that :p also no pov will have no heading because it looks better to me or will be in italics when it's the first paragraph and if it's short :)

Tyler's phone buzzed in his pocket, the buzzing woke him instantly. Mark was calling his phone, he ended it and told him to wait, he snuck out to the bathroom.

I hissed with a husky voice poisoned with sleep.
"Sorry for waking you, are you home?"
Of course the time I'm not home he is asking.
"Where are you"
"Don't freak out, but I'm at Ethan's, when we were talking we didn't pay attention to the weather and it was a pure white out"
"Understandable, I'm just bored"
I can tell he was holding back his fangirl, no fanboy screaming. His ass saw what I did that night of the thunder storm in September so he has that in the back of his head, now everytime I mention I'm going over there or at his house he wants to scream.
"Ok look, your about to burst just say it"
I groaned
"Ok shut it"
"I do!"
"Ill start doing that shit with you and Sean"
"Cmon we hear it enough from Eth! "
"Don't test me Asian boy"
"It's Korean!"
"I don't see a difference"
"Fuck you"
"Bet that'll feel good"
"I ain't no rose Bud, but I'm sure as hell like one besides you"
"I'm way more romantic than you! "
"Yeah right"
"Then show me how romantic you are! "
"How dumbfuck I'm sing- wait. "
"go to bed"
I heard rustling in the phone
"Your gonna make me wa- nvm"
"AWWWWW" I silently screeched to piss him off
"Fuc- pric- I swear to Christ himself".
"Fu- SHIT"

I loved pissing the little prick off but he knows that a challenge is a challenge, oh boy. I turned off my phone and went off to the bedroom, Ethan sat up "phone call? " He said slurred, he was nearly passing out. "Was I too loud?? I'm sorry-" "Your good, I always wake up at 3am anyways" "Why?" "Favorite hour no because it's witch hour just because I'm content at this time, sometimes 4am but mostly 3am" "4am is my favorite, it just feels right I don't know why" I walked over to the bed and laid down. "I heard that mark challenged you to be romantic after you called him a prick, then you said you were a rose, best come back I've heard in awhile but, how are you gonna do it without breaking the soul mate thing? Do you know them yet? " " I don't, I might not do it I already know he wants his $10, I can't wait till I find my soulmate I'll probably feel complete" I lied, I was talking to my soul mate at this exact moment. "Good luck" He chuckled, his voice hinted with sadness. "You ok? You seem a bit sad. "This hour umm.. Makes me a bit sad" He was lying, probably upset about the soul mate thing, but something in my gut said otherwise. "You sure?" "Mhm, you seem tired you should sleep" "Eth your upset" "Look alright, everyone is finding their soul mate and I'm just sitting here like hey, what the fuck am I gonna do!?" "Are you w.. willing to try the soul mate thing? " "I have to let go of the past, I don't wanna be alone anymore." He sighed. I just wanted to scream that he was talking to his soul mate, but I can't. Why?

Well this is the little "game" You must find each other, if someone tells the other half, your chest will start to burn and your doodles will be erased. Which means the "string" Was cut and another soul mate was going to be found. But if someone who just found out tell the other half that already knows, then you are all good. You can only give extremely small ass hints. If you start to hint to much your chest will start to burn only a bit, but the more you push it the more it grows until the burn is so bad, which means you cut the string.

"Head off to sleep ty, your tired". His voice slowly faded in as I faded back into reality. " O.. Ok" I laid down putting my phone down and drifting away, but as I stared at my arms something caught my eye, I grabbed my phone and put light in my arm. It was faded red lines. Confused I finally searched what I meant if there were faded red lines on my arms, they were here before but faded away to a faint pink color but they are back. My heart stopped.

Ethan pov:
I heard rustling below me, I assumed that he was just getting comfortable. I pulled up my sleeves, they were stinging again. It's been awhile since I done it. After 15-20 minutes I finally started to hear soft snores I snuck down quietly to the bathroom. I searched for the itch cream. Gone. I cursed to myself...what the hell was I supposed to do!? I sighed and looked over at the cracked open door.

"Ya know you didn't need to come with me" "Well I am". I rolled my eyes as we walked in the snow. My house was close to town so I could just walk to the nice n easy down the street. "Why did you need the cream exactly?" "When ever my dad fuckin hits me sometimes it burns/itches afterwards and it gets annoying". I lied completely, it's winter there is no plants or mosquitoes to do anything! And I couldn't say that " Oh I have a some std" Or whatever the fuck. 1. That's a lie.. I hope and 2. What the fuck. The snow was calm when we walked in. "Hey brian" "Hey, who's th friend? " "It's Tyler, the one I bought gum for last month" "Wha-" I shot him a death glare "never mind u was thinking about someone else..... But what do you need? " "Itch cream" "Its in the medical area near the chap sticks, condoms all that" "Ethim gonna get some stuff over there" "Alright" "Soo eth, how's it like being a public schooler eh? " "Sush it" "I'm gonna be joining ya know" "Deadass?? " "Yeah, I kinda regret leaving and doing homeschool" "It'll be nice havin ya back" "I got the cream, aye you done over there?" "Mhm, we can cash out". After doing all that and saying our goodbyes we headed off home. As we met walking I got more and more lightheaded. " I.. I don't feel too good. " I said weakly. I was tired and out in the cold. Bad combo. "Are you gonna be sick? Are you tired? Cold? " Tyler asked walking closer to me. "I'm tired and freezing. Should have stayed home" I groaned"You needed to run to the store, but we will be home soon enough. ". But we didn't know what was waiting for us at that house.

Ok do this chapter kept on posting itself like a prick! But there will be books after this!

Here is the collection: https://my.w.tt/6X7UNAbjQ2

Now obviously each book takes awhile and when I'm writing this there is only a introduction true second one. More will be explained at the end of this book! Now ima go back to bed good lord

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