Chapter 1

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2 years ago...


I shifted in my seat. The room was quiet all around. Everyone was in their seat, rather than up and chattering with each other. Well, almost everyone. There was one seat, by the wall, that was empty. The students all cast hopeful glances at the doorway, as if our missing student would walk through with a smile on his face, but he didn't. Instead, Mr. Aizawa walked into our classroom, as tired as usual. His footsteps echoed through the silent classroom as he walked to the front. He cleared his throat. "Mmm.... Well, I might as well talk about our latest, ah incident, if you all are going to give me that look. As you all know, Midoriya was kidnapped on U.A campus a few days ago. Police are searching for him as I speak. The best thing to do, is carry on our day, and continue working hard. I'm sure we'll have him back by the end of this week, the latest next week."

Current time...

But he was wrong. Midoriya never showed up. Everyone had given up. "He's probably dead by now." they would say. Most of U.A didn't want to believe it. Especially me. Even so, people's faith and courage were winding down. "What's the use? Deku's not coming back." Uraraka sighed.

"Shut up." I snapped. "Midoriya's alive. I know it."

"Give it up, Icey Hot. Deku's not showing his damn face around here anymore." Bakugo sneered from his seat.

"Bakugo! Stop lying. H-he's alive."

Bakugo made a tch sound. "Yeah right. Stop believing that Deku's gonna be alive. It's been two years! You'll see." With that, he walked out of the class room and slammed the door.

Uraraka burst into tears. Iida patted her on the shoulder and whispered comforting words. I frowned. No. Deku's still out there. I must continue looking for him. That's what he'd do for me.


I sat in the dorm lounge with Uraraka, Kaminari and Iida. We were talking, but it was all halfhearted. Only Midoriya knew how to strike up a good conversation, and, well, he isn't here at the moment... Suddenly, my phone chimed. There was a news update about the whereabouts of Midoriya. Kaminari and Iida scrambled over to watch. Uraraka let out an excited squeak. "Maybe they finally found him." Iida suggested.

"Unlikely." Kaminari grunted.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

The report read:

Breaking News!
Lost boy found dead

Two years ago, Izuku Midoriya was kidnapped by the League of Villains. For years, police have searched and looked for him, but tonight, we have found Izuku Midoriya. Citizens of Hosu City have reported a body on an alleyway. Upon further research, scientists can confirm that this was Izuku Midoriya. We do not know how or when this happened, but-

I turned off the channel. No. I refuse to believe that Midoriya might be-. No. But at the bottom, clear as day, was a photo of a boy with curly dark green hair slumped against an alley wall. The skin on his arms, neck, and legs had decayed and crumbled away, leaving behind the pink flesh underneath. He was wearing a tattered U.A uniform, and floppy red sneakers. I prayed it was somebody else. Not Midoriya. Anyone but Midoriya. Kaminari and Iida's faces were twin masks of shock. Iida's eyes were filled with tears. Uraraka was already crying, her eyes bloodshot and puffy. She collapsed in her seat, shaking, and sobbed, "D-deku! H-how is it possible?" I felt a tear of my own roll down my face. Midoriya... Why did it have to be you?


I swung my legs playfully. I was sitting on a rooftop with Toga. Below me, chaos was brewing. Shigaraki had made Twice duplicate me. The duplicate was apparently me, but dead. I thought it was stupid, but it was apparently to "throw them off the scent." Toga's head was in my lap, and her legs were curled next to her. "You know this is causing a lot of drama? Everyone who thought you were still alive just got their hearts shattered." She asked me.

I threw my head back and laughed, long and hard. "I love it."

She smiled with that dreamy expression. I beamed back at her. I kicked my legs up and jumped back onto the rooftop. "We should probably get back." I told her. I channeled my quirk and leaped down the side of the building, with Toga in my arms. Together we walked back to the base. I took one step in, and was immediately struck across the face and pinned against the wall. "Hello, Shigaraki." I said, fighting back the urge to cry out in pain. Shigaraki lowered his fingers onto my skin for a long three seconds. I winced. I could feel the skin peeling off my wrist. "If you ever sneak out again, Midoriya, I will flay you alive." he hissed in my ear. I laughed and leaned back, letting my head rest on his shoulder. He recoiled and pushed me away. I was sporting a new red scar on my wrist now. "Shigaraki... When can I go out? And kill some heroes? I'm always stuck here." I drawled out my words, and whined like a little child. Kurogiri looked at me. "You've been out all day killing heroes and citizens, Midoriya. You've killed more people than Stain!"

"I mean like a mission! Something to do. Can I go back to U.A? I bet I'll be able to kill All Might. Pleeeaaase, Shigaraki?"

"Yes." Shigaraki said abruptly.


"We need you to go back to U.A and find Class 1-A's- no wait, they're third years now. Class 3-A's schedule. Toga's coming with you."

I smiled. This was going to be fun. "Yes, sir." I said with a devilish smile. I brushed back a rogue tuft of my hair and Toga gave me a bloodthirsty smile.

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now