Chapter 3

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"This is pointless." I grumbled.

We were on the bus, heading to Hosu City. I may sound selfish, but if we manage to find the cause of Midoriya's death, I want it to be only me. Not with a group of people who didn't even know him. Bakugo was a childhood bully, Uraraka was a fake friend, and everyone else treated him like just another student. I fiddled with my costume. We finally reached Hosu, after many hours of driving. We all climbed out of the bus and started walking to the alley where Midoriya had died. Once we reached there, Bakugo cried out, "This is stupid! We all know that Deku's dead! Even if he was alive, I can find him on my own without all you bastards slowing me down." With that, he ran off. We all stared in bewilderment. Not even Kirishima moved. Nobody moved a single muscle, or said even one word. Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic just nodded and ushered the rest of the students forward. When nobody was looking, I slipped out of the crowd and headed in the opposite direction.


Kurogiri warped us to the top of a water tower. It was too cramped, so I ran away from the group. Obviously, Kacchan had gone off on his own. I wanted to play with him, so I followed. He was searching each alley, one by one. I dashed ahead of him and dropped into an alleyway. the shadows obscured me from the rest of the world. Then, I waited for my prey.


Empty. Every single alley was empty, besides a few scraps of garbage. I was about to blow up all of Hosu City. Finally, at one alley, I saw a boy. Most of him was hiding in the shadows. I called, "Hey, idiot! Come out of the shadows and face me!"

The boy did something that surprised me. He started laughing. At first, it was a soft giggling, but it grew into a hysterical fit. His jarring voice sent chills up my spine. I recognize that voice. The boy walked out of the shadows. He was about an entire head shorter than me. His hair was curly and dark green. His eyes were a neon green that brimmed with insanity and glowed with pain. Scars and cuts were everywhere on his face and arm. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a black vest over it. To match, he wore black shoes, pants, gloves, and a loose tie. He rolled his neck in a hypnotic way, his curls bouncing along with him. "It's been so long since I last saw you! You're so much taller, and muscular! How's U.A? Don't tell me All Might's still hanging around. Send my love to all the other students too!"

"Who even are you?!? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't remember me? That's funny, because you and I were very close 'friends'."

"...Aren't you that villain who supposedly killed more people than Stain?"

"Oh, so that's what you remember me for? Well, good try anyways, Kacchan."

That hit me like a bullet. Kacchan. Only one person called me that, and he was... Deku. It all came flowing back now. That's why I recognized his voice. That's why he looked so much like Deku. I clenched my fists. Little explosions went off like firecrackers. Instead of being surprised or happy, I was furious. How come Deku had never decided to drop in and tell us he was alive? Does he really think that low of me? "So, the timid, harmless, little Deku has become a villain now? I expected you to snap anyways, since you're just to fragile and stupid for anything."

"You remembered me?" Deku replied with a smirk. I charged at him. He pivoted his foot and easily sidestepped. "Same old Kacchan... You're fighting style hasn't changed at all, you know." This went on for a while, me charging and Deku just dodging every move with a taunting laugh. Like he was playing with me, treating me like some toy in his playground. Finally, he jumped into action. Green electricity started forming all around him. He attacked with such force, I couldn't do anything on the offense. I blocked and parried every move while shouting at Deku. "What happened to you?!? Last time I checked, you were a puny little nerd with borrowed power! Get some sense!"

"I have! My head is clear of the fog that was there before, now that I'm a villain."

"Stop talking nonsense! What the hell?!? You applied to U.A! You come all this far, just to give up and become a damn villain?!" I swung at his head. He caught my arm, and flipped me onto the floor. That knocked the wind out of me. Deku lowered his face, very close to me. He breathed into my ear, "Being a villain means you actually fight for something other than fame and money. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to need to kill you're classmates. His green curls brushed against my face as Deku drew himself up. I heard a snap, and blinding hot pain shot up my legs. "Damn... nerd..." I could barely speak. My breath was becoming faster and my vision was getting blurry. "I... won't... lose... to.. a villain..."

Deku laughed again. "You are too funny, Kacchan! If you haven't noticed, you're going into shock. Now I wouldn't move if I were you, and let's see if you're lucky enough to get rescued. " He turned around and walked away. My limbs felt like lead, and my vision swam with black dots. No. I will not be left crippled like this. I tried to get to my feet. Every move felt like a dagger in my chest. Once on my knees, I tripped and the world went black.


I found my way back to the water tower. "Any news?" Shigaraki growled.

"Nineteen students, one disabled. Plus Erasure Head and Present Mic."

"Let's go. And you all, especially Midoriya, stay near me." We jumped from roof to roof to say discreet. Once we got there, I noticed something. Wait, there's twenty- no nineteen students. Minus Kacchan it's eighteen. I did a quick count. There's only sixteen. Shoto and Ochaco had gone off somewhere. "I'll catch up with you guys later." I said abruptly. I jumped down the side of the building and started running, as fast as possible.

"Midoriya, you little bastard!" Shigaraki called after me. I continued running. I finally arrived at my destination. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of ash blonde hair. "You didn't need to follow me, Toga."

"I'm not letting you run off like that again! Besides, you're chasing a student, aren't you? Students are alive, and they have blood. I want blood."

"Fine. Just let me play around for a little."

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now