Chapter 6

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"You worthless piece of crap!" Shigaraki yelled as he kicked me across the room. I hit the wall with a sickening crunch. My head spun with pain. I struggled to my feet, only to be kicked to the ground again, via Shigaraki. "I warned you multiple times, Midoriya. Don't sneak out. Don't disobey me. Stay close to the group. And multiple times, you sneak away." Shigaraki growled, emphasizing each word with a kick to my face. He pulled out a knife and starting cutting me. Each slash found it's mark, and each cut dug deep into my skin. Blood gushed out like running water. I couldn't do anything. I was completely helpless against Shigaraki. He seized me by my blood-soaked collar and threw me across the room with incredible force. Like a rag doll, I collapsed on the other side. All the other villains looked with utter shock. Toga was on the edge of tears. Shigaraki came over and grabbed my neck with all five fingers. I screamed. It was like fire, burning through my body. Finally, he dropped me on the floor. Blood was spattered all over the walls, the floor, and the other villains. My blood. Every breath felt like a dagger through my heart. Shigaraki continued torturing me until he finally got bored. "Consider this a lesson." He said flatly. I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was blood. As soon as Shigaraki slammed the door shut, the other villains charged forward. "Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor?" Twice asked desperately.

Midoriya! How did you manage to get Shigaraki that mad? I'm impressed." Mr. Compress said.

Toga grasped my blood-covered hand, "Izuku! Are you okay?" There was blood all over her.

I coughed weakly. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Dabi muttered from the other side of the room.

Kai watched from the corner with her arms crossed and an amused smirk on her face. Her expression reminded me so much of Kacchan's, it sent a shiver down my spine. It was like she was looking down on me, reminding me of how worthless and unsuccessful I was.

"It's fine. Look, I can get up." I scrambled to my feet, but immediately collapsed. "I'm fine." I assured them, as I spat blood. "I'm going out."

"Are you sure?" Kurogiri asked with a worried look. "You need to see a doctor."

"I'm fine. If it rains, the blood will wash away. I'm gonna go kill somebody. See you soon." I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

It was raining hard outside. I walked through the streets with my head bowed down. The droplets splashed against my back like ice. I managed a few kills. Most of them were pedestrians, but I managed to kill some heroes and a few sidekicks. People avoided me by all means. Some people whispered, "It's that boy. The hero killer." The hero killer. The next Stain. All these fake names. I was only an assassin fighting for what I believed was right. A few years ago, I wasn't even a villain. The real future Stain was not me. It was Kai. I was no Stain compared to Kai. I was nothing compared to Kai. Kai's real name was Yukina Todoroki. Even so, she was nothing like the Todoroki I knew. She was Todoroki's twin, and they're quirks were exactly the same. Her attitude, on the other hand, was exactly like Kacchan's. They both had that fiery attitude that scorched it's way through every obstacle. She had joined the League of Villains later than me. About a month after joining the League off Villains, she had chopped her hair off for some odd reason. It closely resembled a boy haircut, which made her look even more like Todoroki. I knew that even if I tried, I would always be nothing next to her. Just like with everyone else. Just because I was born quirkless, I've had to work harder than everyone for the same reward. Just because of something I couldn't control. Because I didn't have what they had. Because I had nothing. Because of that, I've been treated like trash. Like a pawn on everyone's chessboard. Memories came roaring back. Kacchan had bullied me, abused me, and more. Every. Single. Day. He called me useless. He acted like I was just some pebble on the road, made to be kicked aside. At U.A., I beat and sacrificed my body just so I could stand next to Todoroki and not feel like nothing. Even once I joined the League of Villains, I was mistreated. There was nowhere I could be equal, and I knew it. All men are not created equal. Blood flowed out of my wounds and my ears pounded. Suddenly, a stinging pain coursed through my chest. I gasped and fell to my knees. The pain spread like wildfire, branching to my limbs. I struggled to breathe or even blink. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw somebody standing nearby, wrapped in a thick black raincoat. A tuft of red and white hair peeked through the coat. Hero... Killer... I thought, as the world turned black and my head slammed against the pavement.

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now