Chapter 7

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Izuku...where are you? I was sprinting down the road, looking for Izuku. After Kai told me he passed out somewhere, I immediately dashed out the door. I brushed away the tears and rain from my eyes. Finally, I found him. Just the sight of his bloody broken body made me want to cry. He was lying facedown in the streets, and a small crowd had formed around. Some were on the phone, calling the police, and some were whispering to the people around. It was always the same chatter; "League of Villains. The boy who killed more than Stain." I pushed my way through the crowd, until I finally reached Izuku. His face was paper-white, and his eyes were closed, as if he was sleeping. I ran to his side, and slid my hand to his chest. Izuku's heart was beating, but it was a weak beat. Thump. Pause. Thump. Pause. I scooped him up, with much difficulty. After lots of wheezing and cursing, I finally dragged Izuku back to the base and collapsed on the floor. Kurogiri immediately ran over and warped Izuku to the hospital. Shigaraki just watched all the chaos from the other side of the base with a bored expression. Suddenly, without Izuku at the base, it felt so cold and lonely. Izuku was always chattering, whether it was about bloody murder, or just teasing Shigaraki's quirk. "What if you put gloves on? What happens when you wash your hands? Can you decay Kurogiri? How does it work?" Countless questions and pestering, most of them only for teasing purposes.

A while later, Kurogiri finally came back. I ran to him and grabbed his arm in desperation. "How is he? Is he alive?"

"Midoriya's fine. he resting in the hospital right now." Under his breath, I heard him murmur, "Foolish child."

"Can I see him?"

"No. That puts us in danger."

I frowned. I wanted to see Izuku. I just nodded at Kurogiri, who went off to argue with Shigaraki. Now wasn't a great time to object him, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.


What happened? I woke up, dazed and sore. My ears were ringing, and my head throbbed with pain. I groaned and sat up. I was in some kind of hospital cot, and I was surrounded with a bunch of weird machines and tubes. Wait a second. I am in a hospital. There was a little window next to my bed, that leaked light into the dark room. My vest was neatly folded and placed on a nearby desk. My tie hung loosely on a rack and my two knives lay on my vest. I immediately lunged for my knives and strapped them onto my belt. I felt more comfortable with them around me. They reminded me that this world was my playground. I had the right to kill anyone in any way I prefer. They had always been with me, and hundreds of people's blood had stained them. They weren't anything special. There were two knives, but I mostly used the longer one. The longer blade was about ten inches, and razor-sharp. It has a serrated edge, and the blade was a polished silver that gleamed in the shadows. The grip was a standard dagger grip, bound with soft, black leather strips. The shorter blade was identical in looks and power, but it was three inches shorter. I pulled on my vest and put on my tie. Now, I looked normal. A tucked in white dress shirt, black slacks, a black vest, my two knives, a loose tie, and my red sneakers. To finish the look, I pulled on my black gloves. I took a deep breath. I hate myself for what I'm about to do. I scribbled a quick note, tossed in on the bed, and ran to the window. I opened the window and crouched on the edge. Below me, people were walking on the streets. I assume it's around midnight, because the sky was a dark purple color, illuminated by the moon. If only this world actually had a sense of right and wrong, to match its scenery. With that, I let my body choose my path. So I jumped.


I stuffed my hands in my pockets. It was around midnight, and I should be sleeping, but I just couldn't sit still without thinking of Izuku. I walked to the hospital and asked to see him. After climbing two flights of stairs, I finally reached his room. With shaking hands, I opened the door. In the corner was an empty bed with a desk next to it, and a big window. And that was it. Izuku was nowhere to be found. I started to panic. I noticed a crumbled piece of paper on the bed. I rushed over and smoothed it out. In Izuku's small, curly handwriting, were these words. "If you all are going to give me crap every time I come back, I won't be coming back anymore." Oh no. I had just noticed how the window was wide open, blowing in the cold, night air. I stuffed the note in my pocket and started running. I didn't stop until I was back at the base. Inside, Kurogiri and Shigaraki were playing cards and murmuring to each other. I screamed, "Izuku's gone missing!"

Shigaraki just yawned and muttered, "Typical." Kurogiri frowned and said, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I told Kurogiri my story, and the note. I was freaking out. What if he doesn't come back? Will he go back to U.A.? What if-

"Hey. Toga." Kurogiri's sure voice shattered my thoughts.


"We'll find him. Alright?"

I took a deep breath. "Yeah. Okay."

"He'll come back to us anyways. He's just an idiot coward." Shigaraki butted in from the other end of the room. I nodded.. I trusted Izuku. He wouldn't just ditch us like that. Little did we know...


After Sero and Mineta were killed, 3-A seemed even more lonely. Midoriya's desk was caked with dust and dirt. Behind him, was Mineta's empty desk. Nobody really cared for him. Sero's desk was being used as a footrest, which seemed a little bit disrespectful. Everyone except Sato was in the class, which seemed kind of odd. Sato was normally one of the first students to class. Just then, Mr. Aizawa entered the room, and I lost my train of thought. Whatever. I continued my day without any second thought until combat training.

At combat training, I was partnered up with Yaoyorozu to work on our close combat. Suddenly, I heard a scream. Uraraka and Ashido were staring wide-eyed at something. No, someone. A U.A. student was lying facedown in a puddle of blood. Wait. This student looks Sato. This is Sato. I couldn't believe it. I cautiously turned him on his back. Sure enough, it was Sato. Anyone could recognize those oversized lips and dark brown hair. A long dagger was impaled in his back, going straight through his body. I pulled the dagger out. It seemed eerily familiar, in some way. It was about 10 inches long, razor-sharp with polished silver blade. The grip was bound with black leather. The blade felt so delicate and light in my hands. It was delicate in a way that shows, "One false move and you'll find me in your own head." Only a pro would be able to handle this blade. I set it back down with a shudder. This blade emitted an aura of cold murder. Mr. Aizawa was running over. When he arrived, all the color seemed to drain from his face. We were all sent home early that day, and U.A. increased it's security yet again.

For some reason, I couldn't sleep that night. My sister was the only one home. Well, my good sister. The other one was off frolicking with villains and wasting away her life. I slipped on my shoes and started walking towards U.A. I walked and walked, until I reached the spot where Sato was killed. I stayed a distance away; it scared me to stand near a huge puddle of blood. I thought I was the only person there, until I noticed that boy. A young boy was playfully walking towards the blood puddle. He knelt at the puddle, and pulled something out. I couldn't see from far away, but the object the boy pulled out vaguely resembled a dagger. Oh no. That was where I remembered the dagger from. The boy wiped his blade against his shirt, and sheathed it. The silhouette of his head was framed with curls that splayed out in random bursts. Midoriya. I felt like I was falling. I couldn't breathe. My vision blurred up and I felt hot tears pour down my cheeks. Midoriya killed Sato. Midoriya. The once-innocent, perfect Midoriya. I couldn't believe this insane murderer was once a friend of mine. A friend that could make anyone smile, no matter the circumstances. I fought against the tears. I shouldn't be crying over a hopeless case. My vision cleared, and he was gone. Just like that. There was no sign he was ever there in the first place. I stuffed my hands on my pockets and walked back home. Will he come back and kill the other students?

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now