Chapter 8

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I yawned. It wasn't a very long day, but I was still tired. Highlight of the day: killing Sato. It was fun, but way too easy. Sato had always been in the bottom portion of our class anyways. I still wonder how it was so easy to get into U.A. People these days really need to improve their security. One student, down. Sero and Mineta are already dead, so that leaves sixteen more students. It was coming close to winter, so the snow had started to fall. It's a shame I don't have a jacket, I thought, my teeth chattering. I'll be spending the holidays alone this year. I winced suddenly, a blazing pain seizing my body. I struggled to breathe as I dropped to my knees and curled inwards. My wounds haven't finished healing. That was a disadvantage, but I forced myself to limp to a dark alleyway. After stealing myself a piece of bread, I fell asleep. My next target: whoever's stupid enough to cross paths with me.

Time skip: The next day, after school


I was walking home with Kaminari. Normally, I would have something to say. Not today. First: Midoriya gets kidnapped. Then: A new hero killer rises up, who just so happens to be one of our class's student. And then: Sero, Sato, and Mineta get killed. There was just too much happening. I just nodded along to Kaminari's questions and jokes, not actually paying attention. Suddenly, I spot a young boy sitting on a street lamp. Not next to, or around, he was on the street lamp. His legs were dangling off the edge and he was looking into the distance. There was an insane glow in his eyes, that sent shivers down my spine. For some strange reason, I felt like I knew his name, but couldn't exactly grasp it.

"Hey. Hey! Ashido, why'd you stop?"

"Wha- huh?" I hadn't noticed that I had stopped dead in my tracks. Kaminari frowned at me. From behind me, I heard a smothered laugh. I whipped around. The boy sitting on the pole was laughing his head off for some reason. With a casual smile, he said, "Isn't it nice to meet old friends? Ah, the nostalgia! Are you all doing well? I understand Sato's death might have been a little shocking. Sorry about that. I was playing around and forgot to dispose the body. But honestly, who cares about Sato? He's just a weight, bringing down your class."

"Who are you? How did you know about Sato's death?"

He rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "Yet another student who doesn't remember my name. How? Really, this hairstyle should be very memorable. It's really the only interesting thing in my appearance."

The hair. That was it! His hair was fluffy and curly. It was a dark forest green, that framed his face with soft curls. It was also the same haircut as Midoriya's. That's when I realized who was the boy starting me in the face. "Midoriya! It's you! Where have you been?"

"Midoriya?" Kaminari said incredulously. "No way! We thought you were dead! It said so in the news report!"

He shrugged. "Well, at least you got one thing right." He flicked out a long, sharp dagger. "You know, this knife is my prized possession. It's seen many things, felt the blood of many people. Do you recognize it? It's the same one that killed Sugar Boy."

"W-what?" I yelped. "Sato? You killed Sato? Innocent, sweet, bullied, always-breaking-his-bones Midoriya killed Sato?"

He nodded. "It'll be the one that kills you, too." I stopped. Wait, what? By the time I could process his words, Kaminari was already dead on the floor, with a dagger through his head. His blood was rapidly forming a thick, red puddle.

"Kaminari!" I shrieked. I conjured up some acid and hurled it at Midoriya. "You monster!"

Rage made my aim bad. Midoriya didn't even flinch, and the acid splattered on a bench a few feet away. It hissed and steamed, clawing it's way through the bench, until only a little stump was left. Midoriya sighed. "Well, it was nice meeting you anyways." He hurled a knife at me with perfectly timed force and speed. It sank all the way up to the hilt in my chest, and I screamed as the world turned black.


I scowled at Ashido and Kaminari's lifeless bodies. I can't believe these were the people I once trained with. This was really too easy. I licked of the blood and sheathed my dagger. I walked away, my hands in my pockets. Who cares about cleaning up the bodies? They're dead anyways. Honestly, being a villain is much easier than being a hero. You kill people, get caught, and die a torturous and painful death. Simple!  I walked away in disgust. Time to begin my long walk home. I stopped. Actually, I might be able to shove in one last kill for the day... I grinned mischievously, and ran back to Ashido. After lots of bag looting, I finally found what I wanted. The dorm address. Those stupid morons didn't change the address, I thought to myself. I tore the paper out and shoved it in my shirt pocket. Afterwards, I just ran to the dorms. I was on a killing spree, and nothing would stop me. I would kill until the rivers of Japan ran red with blood.

On my way there, I noticed Endeavor walking through the streets. Flames licked his body and each step melted the concrete below him. Stupid Endeavor. You're only a hero for fame. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You can't even recognize talent, much less show it. I dove into a dark alley and scanned my surroundings. There was only a few people nearby, and they were just petty civilians, so I took the risk. As quiet as possible, I pulled out my dagger. With careful precision, I aimed right at his neck. It was a very vulnerable target, and the flames burned least intense around that area. It was perfect for a quick and painful death. With all the force I had, I threw the dagger. My quirk instinctively activated, adding extra force to the throw. The sickening squelch, with a following of people screaming echoed in response, meaning I had found my mark. I felt pride fill my body. I have killed the number one hero. Endeavor. The number one hero. And I did it all without breaking a single sweat. I pulled out my phone. I hadn't used it in a very long time, so I was surprised it still worked. I sent a quick message to Todoroki. This ought to shake him up...


"Why hasn't those two bastard extras come back yet!?!" Bakugo hollered. Ashido and Kaminari sure were taking their sweet time, because it was already half an hour after school was let out. They still haven't arrived at the dorms.

"Bakugo! Watch your profanity! It is not proper, nor is it polite to curse in public!" Iida said in response, waving his hands in a chopping motion. What was he doing, chopping onions or something?

"HUH?!? I don't give a crap what you say, damn Four-Eyes!"

"If you continue like this, I'll have no choice but to report you to Mr. Aizawa!"

"I don't care what that old lunatic thinks! He's an extra, just like you! You're all extras, so shut the hell up!"

"I'm giving you once last chance, Bakugo! Or I will-"

Suddenly, my phone chimed. What? I checked the screen. Midoriya sent me something. But why? He's a villain, and he's contacting me? With shaking hands, I unlocked my phone and checked Midoriya's text. I have never been the same ever since then.

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now