Chapter 4

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Apparently, Uraraka had followed me. "It's not safe to wander on your own." She insisted. We were walking down the streets, until we arrived at a park near the beach. Uraraka decided to take a break, so we did. We sat down at a bench and listened to the birds sing. Suddenly, I jolted up. "Do you hear that?" I asked Uraraka.

"No, what?"

"Somebody crying." Sure enough you could hear the sound of distressed tears. I followed the noise and ran. I all the ran to the shore, Uraraka hot on my heels. There sat a boy, about my age, with tears pouring down his face. I started to run towards him. I was a few feet away, when suddenly a flash of black and green passed through my eyes, and the boy was standing, with a wicked-looking knife under my throat. "Not. Another. Step. Hero." The way he said "hero" was filled with so much loathing, it made me recoil.
"W-who are you? I feel like I've seen you before..."

He groaned. "Really, I disappeared for a few years and you all forget me?!? Don't you recognize me?" Truthfully, I did recognize a few things. Everything about him painfully reminded me of Midoriya. Well, almost everything. This mysterious boy's eyes were like shattered glass. They were an unnatural neon green, while Midoriya was an innocent dark green. Midoriya had a strong, determined look in his eyes. This boy showed nothing but insanity and loathing. "Are you a relative of Midoriya's?"

He stopped moving. The boy buried his face in his free hand. I thought he was crying, but he was laughing. He was laughing so hard, he would've fallen over if Toga hadn't caught him. Wait, how did Toga get there? "Shoto, you're funnier than Kacchan! I'll give it to you; I'm not Midoriya's relative. I am Midoriya."

"Midoriya! You're alive?" I tried to step forward, but there was a knife in the way. Tears were streaming down Uraraka's face as she watched from a distance. "Midoriya, what's wrong? Lower the knife, and we'll take you back to Mr. Aizawa. We've all missed you."

"Did that boiling water blind your eyes, Shoto? Can't you see I'm perfectly fine where I am now?"

That stopped my heart. He's with a villain. Does that mean Midoriya's a villain? "Yes, Todoroki. I'm a villain now, and I intend to be one until my last dying breath." Midoriya replied, as if reading my thoughts.

"No way... That's not you, Deku!" Uraraka cried out.

"Then who am I, Ochaco? Who am I to you!?" Midoriya snapped. That stopped Uraraka. She looked like somebody shot her between the eyes.

I slowly stepped out of reach from Midoriya's knife, and replied. "This isn't what you were made for, Midoriya. Come back."

He snorted. " Over my dead body." With that, he and Toga drew out their knives. Together, they attacked. Midoriya and Toga moved together in perfect harmony, each step and slash was perfectly timed. I tried with both fire and ice to stop them, but they were too strong. When they were within striking distance, Midoriya sent Toga after Uraraka. "Make sure to kill her." He called after Toga.
"What happened to you? You were so perfect and kind!" I yelled over the chaos.

"I was bullied and treated like crap! Now, I've found a better future for me!"

"You wanted to be a pro hero! Now you're giving up?"

"Why would I want to be a pro hero? Would you? Do you really want to be like Endeavor?"

I faltered. That's true. I've been working this hard to become a hero, but what if I just end up like my old man? I shook the thought out of my head. No. Don't get persuaded. Midoriya smiled. For the past two years, my heart ached to see Midoriya smile again. The smile that lifted your spirits and made you forget all your worries. The one that seemed to just magically make you happy. I finally got to see him smile again, but this was not what I wanted. His smile was filled with an intense loathing. It sent chills up my spine when I looked into those once-adorable eyes. The smile I would have given anything for, was no longer there. All the warmth had been drained out, leaving being a crazed insanity. "Beginning to have doubts?" Midoriya sneered. "Join the League of Villains. We'll give you a real family, not that lame excuse for a father you have. We're not bad people; we just fight for what we think is right. Like heroes. It's only a matter of perspective. Join us: more importantly, join me. Don't you miss me? If you say no, the next time we see each other, it'll be when I have to kill you." Midoriya gave me his hand. I was tempted to take the offer. I really was. A new chance with a better family. I reached out to take his hand but I stopped. What about my mom? She supported me all this way to become a hero. Not a villain. I drew my hand back a said, "No. I will never join a person who thinks that killing is right. Where is the Midoriya I once knew? Come back. I've been worried sick about you ever since you were kidnapped."

A look of surprise crossed his face. "Kidnapped? I wasn't kidnapped. I chose to visit the League of Villains. Day by day, I visited them more often, until the day I finally decided to join. The 'kidnapping' was a decoy, set up to make people think I was forcefully taken." Midoriya sighed. "If staying is really your choice." He lunged at me. I was ready to intercept his attack, but at the last second, he feinted and tripped me. I crumbled to the ground. Midoriya placed his foot on my back and pulled out a knife. "It's a shame you don't understand me, Shoto."

"Don't call me Shoto. Only Midoriya's allowed to call me Shoto." I grunted. Midoriya sighed and stabbed downwards. I braced myself. Surprisingly, nothing happened, I turned my head very slowly. Midoriya's knife was centimeters from my chest. He seemed to be listening to something. With an eye roll, he got up. "I gotta go. It was a pleasure meeting you... Todoroki." In a flourish, he and Toga vanished. I couldn't move. Although Midoriya didn't get a single scratch on me, I was gasping in pain. My vision was fuzzy, and I couldn't feel my legs. Midoriya... a villain? How is that possible? Somewhere off to the side, Uraraka groaned. She rolled on her back. I forced my body to cooperate and ran over to her. She was covered in gashes and cuts, each one seeping blood. It stained her costume bright red. A line of blood was slowly trickling out her mouth. I scooped her up and ran, and fast as my feet would allow. I ran, and ran, until I collided into Present Mic. I dropped Uraraka and fell to my knees. Yaoyorozu rushed over, right when I blacked out.

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now