Chapter 10

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This is insane... two villains showing up to the dorms in one day. Just earlier today, I found Bakugo hugging the Hero Killer, Kai, in her abandoned dorm room. She ran off, and Bakugo chased her all the way to their base. Apparently, Bakugo took her to a hospital for insane people. I don't know what happened after that, since Bakugo wouldn't say another word about it. And now, there was Midoriya. I was shocked to think that this person, who was the most pure and innocent in all of U.A., had killed Sato, Ashido, Kaminari, and Hagakure. I remembered hearing Bakugo rant on and on about how Midoriya was too weak to accomplish anything, and how he would be better off killing himself. That same weak and useless boy was standing in front of me, a blood-soaked knife in his hand. His eyes were wide and filled with insanity. He smiled. "I guess we better get started, huh? I'll go first." He retrieved his knife from Hagakure's body and walked a full circle around us, like a farmer examining cattle. He seemed to be choosing who to kill first, mumbling to himself under his breath.
"Not that one... he's too weak... waste of my time..."

Eventually, I got bored and angry, so I charged at him. By will, I hardened my body to the maximum sturdiness. Midoriya turned towards me, and flashed me a murderous smile. "Finally! Something interesting!" He clenched together his fists and green sparks started to form around him, causing his eyes to glow even more intensely. I started throwing attacks at him, as fast as I possibly could. Midoriya just dodged them with a mere smile. The way he just shrugged off all of us like we were just fleas. It pissed me off. I started getting more weary. Eventually, I couldn't keep up with maximum hardening for that long, and it immediately went away. I felt like I had been carrying the world on my shoulders. My eyes were droopy, and my arms felt like lead. It was at that time, when Midoriya started to smart-talk me. He doubled over in laughter, his shrill voice ringing through the sky.

"Kirishima! Oh, Kirishima! The one and only, Eijiro Kirishima. And to think that I once looked up to you! Really! You can't even defeat me? How do expect it'll play out when your against over-achievers like Shigaraki?!? Really, what's your quirk good for? It's almost as bad as Mineta's! At this rate, you won't become a real hero until after all the life on this Earth wither away. Then you won't have to be a hero, because you won't have anyone to show off to. That's all your kind wants; to show off." The last thing I saw was Midoriya's dagger heading straight for my chest. After that, all I felt was pain and agony. Then, there was nothing.


"Well, that was the seventh one, I think. Sooo, that leaves twelve more! Isn't this fun?"

I smirked, while cleaning Kirishima's blood of my blade. I won't deny that killing people is really fun, but the mess afterwards! Who knew a human could hold that much blood in their useless bodies? The rest of the class stared at me, wide-eyed. Wimps. I'm an ordinary human, just like you. I'm still the same bullied and abused Midoriya. I'm just on a different path, with a different mindset. I used to help people that couldn't fight back. Now, I kill those who cannot fight back. And I, for one, enjoy every moment. I yawned. Everyone around me was either glaring daggers at me, or gawking with eyes as big as saucers. "If nobody fights back, I guess I'll have to kill you all." I said. I got my wish. Three girls rushed forward, ready to attack. Jiro, Asui, and Yaoyorozu. That's unexpected. Yaoyorozuzu is a serious rule follower, and Asui wouldn't just charge in without a plan. I must've really pushed them to the limit. Yaoyorozu created a long javelin, a swung it at my head. I rolled under, and grabbed her arm. I hooked my leg behind her's, and pushed forward on her shoulder. She landed on the ground with a thud. I whipped out both of my knives, and hurled one at Yaoyorozu. I turned around, just as a sickening squelch followed. I flipped my knife in the air and caught it. I closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them, I saw Jiro's earphone jack hurling towards me. I sliced my knife in an upward arc, and promptly beheaded Jiro. I didn't stop after that. I grabbed Asui by her tongue and threw her at the dorm wall. She hit the wall with a disgusting crack. Asui slid to the ground like a sack of bricks, leaving behind a red smear. Everyone watched in horror as I retrieved my knife and wiped off Yaoyorozu's blood. Once I had finished cleaning my knives, I tilted my head and smiled with that murderous gleam.

"Pleasure doing business with you! I can't wait to come back!"


I felt numb all over. My legs felt glued to the ground and I watched them die. One by one, each student fell to the ground. I wanted to go and save them, but I couldn't move. I was frozen in shock and fear. Now, I watched helplessly as Midoriya turned around and walked away. He climbed the fence and hopped over, whistling a merry tune. The grass was stained with blood and littered with dead bodies. Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Asui. All of them were powerful students with good potential. Why couldn't I save them?  Aren't I the class representative? If I sacrificed myself, would I have saved all of them?  After a moment of stunned silence, I regained my senses and ran to tell Mr. Aizawa. Within a few minutes, Mr. Aizawa was at the dorms with Recovery Girl. I was still in shock about Midoriya being a villain. I'll never see Midoriya again. At least, not in the way I used to know.


"We're moving bases again?!?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, now shut up and let's get going!" Shigaraki snapped.

"But Izuku won't be able to find us!"

"Good riddance, then!"

I gritted my teeth. We can't move! It's all that Kai's fault, now I'll never see Izuku again! I pouted and followed the rest of the League with my arms crossed. When Izuku disappeared, reports of killed students have been sprouting up everywhere. Not any normal students, though. U.A. students. And they were suspiciously in the same class as Izuku used to be. We all suspected that it was Izuku who was bouncing around and killing those students. I took one last look at our base, and walked out. I hope he comes back. Izuku's not going to block us out. At least I hope so...

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now