Chapter 11

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I walked down the street, my hands stuffed in my pockets. Most people avoided me, so that's that. I mean, normal people would tend to avoid an 18-year old teen with blood-spattered clothes. The stupid wound in my side isn't getting any better.... it might already be infected.... but nobody cares.... not even me. That was quite a night. I had murdered Hagakure, Kirishima, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Asui. Plus Sato, Ashido, and Kaminari from the days before. Kai had killed Sero and Mineta during the U.A. attack at Hosu City, so that's ten dead students. There's nine more students left in Class 3-A. I'll take the sparkle man. What's his name again? Right, Aoyama. I'll do Aoyama and somebody else. I walked to an alleyway to stay for the night. After all, I'd rather sleep in a dirty alley than go back to the base. I was asleep before my head hit the pavement.

The next day....


We had the following day off, since the staff thought it wasn't the best idea to go to school, after that happened. I mean, I don't blame them; five students were killed! Now, there was only me, Iida, Todoroki, Bakugo, Aoyama, Koda, Shoji, Tokoyami, and Ojiro left. I felt trapped. Like we were prey, ready to be hunted and killed by the predator. The problem was: this predator was Deku. Deku! Out of all people in the world, Deku was the one behind all of this death. I saw Deku as many things, but I never expected him to fill the role as murderer. In the dorms, everyone was quiet and brooding. Except Aoyama. He had a huge mirror propped up on the wall, and he was posing in front of it, as usual. We tried to start conversations with each other, but it was normally around the lines of:



How are you?


Um..... i-it's great weather were having!

*long sigh* mmmhmmm....

Eventually, Bakugo jumped to his feet and snapped, " You extras are so clueless! Stop moping around and do something that's useful for once!" He marched towards the door and said. "I'm going to talk to someone. At least she's even a little bit like a human."

We watched him march out and slam the door. Todoroki cast a wistful glance in the direction of Yuki's room, but immediately turned back.

Of course Bakugo went to see Yuki again. He was always going to that insane hospital to talk with Yuki. Always. Every single day, and sometimes he went more than once every day. We went back to our own business, sulking and watching Aoyama be a narcissist.


I shouldn't be out this early..... it's too bright to commit murder. Oh well. I don't care if the police catch me.

It really was too bright. I normally kill people around midnight, or the late afternoon. This was my first time outside at 11 in the morning. I couldn't contain myself, and I just had to drop by and slaughter some students. On my way here, I had noticed Kacchan walking down the street. It was so tempting just to reach out and slit his throat, but I restrained myself. Just wait.... there's gonna be more opportunities. It's not the right time yet.

But here I am now, standing in the dorm's backyard. Koda was outside, his back facing me, and he was admiring the birds and the trees. Everyone else was inside, looking like a bunch of depressed little animals. I walked up to Koda, and whispered in his ear. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

Koda jumped and whipped around. The moment he met my eyes, a look of fear and shock crossed his face. He scurried back, and opened his mouth to call for help. Perfect. He fell right into my trap. I threw my dagger as hard as I could. Squelch. I hit my target. Koda was on the floor, clawing at his throat. There was a long and sharp dagger protruding from his mouth, but you could barely see it, since it went so deep. I playfully skipped over, and knelt beside Koda. I placed one finger on the butt of the knife, and started to press down. Koda gagged and looked at me with pleading, tear-filled eyes. I could see his message. Stop, please. Make it stop. The same words I had said every time somebody beat me up, emotionally and physically. That just made me shrug and smirk. If I went through all that pain and suffering, why couldn't he? I continued pressing down on the knife, until it went straight through Koda's mouth. His gagging and sniffling stopped, and he laid there. Still and dead. I pulled my knife out of his mouth, and whipped out my handkerchief. Slowly, I began to clean the blade, wiping every edge with precise movements. I apologize, these knives are all my pride and joy. I waste my time cleaning, sharpening, and polishing them to perfection. Suddenly, I heard a high pitched squeak. Behind me, Uraraka was standing there, with scared, wide eyes. I smiled maliciously. "Uraraka! Pleasure of you to join the party!" I started pacing towards her with my knife in my hands.

"D-don't move!" She cried. "N-not another step!"

"Aw, c'mon. You'd never hurt me! I'm your friend, remember? Deku!"

"N-no your not. F-friends d-don't kill friends. T-the D-Deku I knew would never kill anyone."

"Those people? Pssshh, they're not my friends. They're merely a warning to U.A.! But you, you are my friend. Don't you remember the exam? I risked everything to save you from the zero-point robot." I was lying through my teeth.

She hesitated for a moment. In a quivering voice, she said, "Y-you mean it? R-really?"

What? She actually believed me? Stupid Uraraka. "Of course I mean it." I said, forcing out a passionate voice.

Uraraka let her guard down. She ran towards me and gave me a big hug, sobbing and shaking. "D-Deku! I missed you!"

Get your filthy hands away from me! I peeled her off of me and looked her in the face. "Heh... I missed you too."


I finally had Deku back. My Deku. The one and only. I didn't care about anything else that happened. The world could've ended, and I couldn't care less. I had Deku back. I felt like I was in a dream. Deku tilted his head to the side, and said, " Well, Uraraka. I think you got something wrong."


He just shrugged and kissed me on the cheek. I felt a wave of giddy happiness flood me. My cheeks flushed red, and my head felt dizzy. Deku..... just kissed me. It wasn't anything big, just a peck on the cheek. But still. I was so disoriented, I didn't feel the knife in my chest until it was too late. My legs felt like jelly, and I couldn't feel anything besides pain. The wound burned like a red-hot wire. I crumpled and fell on the floor. The last thing I saw was Deku flashing me an insane smile. The last thing I heard, was him saying. "You're no friend of mine. Friends shouldn't call friends useless. Sweet dreams."

The world faded away to darkness, and I no longer felt anything.


I picked up my knife. Ugh. Now I have to clean off her filthy blood. I kicked aside Uraraka's body, and jumped over the fence. How could she be so thickheaded? It was obvious I was lying. Before I got to my alley, I passed by the villain base. Now I don't know what I was thinking, but I walked inside the base. I was suprised to find the base dusty and deserted. Moved again, didn't they? Oh well. I shrugged. Guess I'm a loner now. I stumbled to a corner in the old villain base, and fell asleep. Probably shouldn't be sleeping this early. Well, I need to be saving up my energy anyways. I have more people to slaughter.


I fiddled with the edge of my skirt. I was so nervous. We haven't heard from Izuku for months! I understand why the rest of the villains weren't too worried about him. After all, he's always sneaking out of the base or running away. But there was something else on my mind. Me and Izuku have had a very rocky relationship. He would always leave early in the morning, and he wouldn't come back until really late. He always worried me sick, and never told anyone what he was thinking or doing. There were some days when he'd come back in horrible condition. He'd be bleeding everywhere, with broken bones, or he'd be stabbed, or almost dead. That was what bothered me. Every time that happened, I would always yell at him, and scold him for being so careless. Izuku would always laugh it off and treat it like a joke. Sometimes, when I really got him mad, Izuku's eyes would blaze with anger, and they would glow like fire. That scared me. When Izuku gets mad, he normally ends up hurting somebody. Or worse: himself.

What pushed me to the breaking point was a few weeks ago, when Izuku came back at 2 in the morning, with a knife in his chest. I had yelled and screamed at him, saying a lot of things I shouldn't have. I didn't mean half of what I said, but that must've really hurt Izuku, because he told me, with a cold look in his eyes, "I don't care if I die, and neither does anyone else. After all, I'm just a useless pebble on the side of the road. That's what everyone says, and you say it too." He flashed me a cruel glare, and stormed off. That scene replayed in my head, over and over. I couldn't stop worrying about him... What if he's actually dead? I blinked back tears. I've never cried in front of the villains, but I couldn't stop myself. Izuku was everything to me, and now, I've lost him....

I'm not Midoriya || a Villain Deku AU (Crossover Story [Read Desc. For Details])Where stories live. Discover now