"Naga In The Woods."

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   I wondered through the dark forest, looking for any ways out. I wanted to explore a little while longer before my trip enda, but I ended up getting lost. It's common for this to happen, however I can't seem to find any ways out. Nighttime was approaching quickly, as the sky grew darker. I pulled out a lighter from my bag and grabbed a stick, making a torch. I made my way through the forest again. I walked for a while, watching as the trees grow thicker and thicker. I wondered to myself if I should set up a makeshift camp, but I decided to keep moving. Until I heard some noises, the sound of hissing and whimpering. Is someone in pain? Letting my curiosity take the better of me, I quietly walked into the direction to where the sounds were being made.

I see a sharp objects near some bushes, it seems like the noise was coming behind it. I cautiously pulled apart the bushes; only to feel shock fill my body. It was a boy, but with a snake tail?


I thought to myself, examining the creature as quickly as I could.

It was a boy with long black hair that looked to be about to his waist, his skin was pale, almost completely white, and a long snake tail.

The creature looked up at me with terror in it's piercing golden eyes.  It tried to move back, as if it was scared of me, but instead it whimpered in pain. I look at it again and realized that the creatures chest and tail was slashed! Blood was spilling out of the wounds at a quick rate, they looked pretty deep too. I got closer to the creature to help it, but it backed away.

"Please... Don't hurt me.." The creature pleaded, it's voice sounded weakened.

I placed my stuff on the ground and kneeled next to the creature.

"I won't. I promise. Let me see your wounds."

I set the torch in a secure place in the ground, and pulled out my first aid kit. I look up at the creature and realize that it was shaking in fear.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you, I just need to see your wounds."

Realizing that it couldn't move, it stayed still. Still shaking and closing it's eyes shut tightly. I took a cloth and gently pressed it against it's wounds. The creature hissed in pain, wrapping it's arms around itself. I wet the cloth and gently cleaned the wounds up. Then took some ointment from the kit and placed some on my hand, then rubbed it on the now cleaned cuts.

"Who did this to you?" I frowned and got out some bandages.

"Humans..." It hesitantly said, it starts clawing into his arms.

"Does this happen often?" I asked, looking at the scars around his chest, arms, and tail.

The creature nods it's head slowly, it's shaking getting worse.

"Damn, I'm sorry."

I had finished wrapping the bandages around his chest, but I didn't know what to do for its tail. I just settles on putting a large bandage on it.

"There. You should be set." I look up at it and it's still shaking, but not as much as before.

"What's your name?"

"Korekiyo... Shinguji..."

"Nice! I'm Rantaro Amami. Nice to meet you." I give him a comforting smile and gently take his hands away from his arms. He was digging in his arms so hard he was bleeding a little. He flinches as I place his hands down.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, just gonna keep your hands away from your shoulders so you don't hurt yourself."

I rub the palms of his hands with my thumbs. After a while he stops shaking.

"Human? I mean, Rantaro? Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Nobody deserves to be hurt. Even creatures that aren't human. Why?"

"It's just that... They're aren't a lot of humans like you. I've observed humanity for a while now, although there's a lot of things that are beautiful, humans can be so very cruel."


We sit in silence for a while. I place some Band-Aids on his shoulders. I take a look at him again, he's actually extremely beautiful. Creepy, yes. But extremely beautiful.

"Why would someone do something like this to a beautiful creature like you?" I mumble without noticing.

"Humans like to hunt. They usually want Nagas like me for out scales. Plus we don't really have a reputation for being 'Friendly'. So, they hunt us."

"That's terrible."

"Unfortunately so. By the way, what is a human like you, doing in a place like this at this time of day?"

"I was just going for a walk, but I ended up getting lost." I chuckled a bit.

"These woods are very complicated. It's dangerous here at night."

"I can't find my way out though, no matter which direction I'm going."

"Well, when my tail heals enough to move, I'll help you. You were nice enough to help me and spare my life, so I'll help you."

"Really? Thanks."

"For now, it's best for you to go to sleep, you must be tired, yes?"


Korekiyo patted near him, and I laid down next to him.

"I'm trusting you not to kill me." I chuckled.

"I couldn't even if I tried. Now go to sleep, human."

I rested my eyes, trusting the words of a Naga.


This was kind of rushed, so I might redo it at some point.

Also, I'm planning on doing a second part where Korekiyo is healed, and they've grown to be very close. Also there's going to be a scene where he wraps his tail around Rantaro to keep him protected and warm. Maybe something was trying to kill Rantaro, but Korekiyo wouldn't let that happen.

I don't know. I just like the thought of Korekiyo being a Naga, I might draw him like that.

There's actually been some people who drew him as one. He looks absolutely wonderful.

Anyways, thank you for reading.


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