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This has to do with Naga Korekiyo again, because why not. This has nothing to do with the other one I made. Also, there's going to be death involved with this one. It might be a little short.

"Were you trying to run away from me, Taro?" Korekiyo said starring the boy down.

"No. Of course not."

"You're lying to me. Why do you want to get away from me."

"I need to get home. My mother misses me."

"I will not let you leave me, Rantaro. You are mine."

"I have to go back though."

Korekiyo hissed in anger, quickly wrapping himself around Rantaro.

"No. You're mine. I realize now that I should've done this from the start."

Rantaro starts struggling against him, starting to become a little bit afraid.

"If I can't have you, nobody can. Just know I'm doing this because I love you, dear. Forgive me."

Korekiyo kissed Rantaro, hard. Tightening himself around Rantaro, slowly suffocating him.

He squeezed tighter, and tighter, until a couple of loud cracks were heard.

Rantaro was dead. Suffocated, and broken.

Korekiyo wrapped himself around Rantaro's now dead body, holding him in his arms. He placed a kiss onto Rantaro's head, holding him closer.

"I'm sorry, my love, but this was the only way." He whispers while placing his hand in Rantaro's cheek.

"Rest now, my dear. I'll see you when you come back as a ghost. Please never leave my side."

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