"Breaks and Reflections."

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    The sound of rain gently hits the glass of the sliding door window. Oh what beautiful weather it is outside; Korekiyo caught himself saying to nobody. Usually the rainy weather would be quite troublesome when he was traveling, but it's a different case when he's alone at home. A perfect time to catch up on his studies, he thought. He sat down in the living room with his notes and books. The house felt empty with just him. The silence and loneliness was melancholy, yet at the same time quite comforting. He's grown quite used to it. Even so, he does admit that he does miss Rantaro.

   A couple of months ago, him and Rantaro decided to take a break from each other. Not because of any fights or anything, they just needed time for themselves. Even so, he knew that Rantaro still loved him just as much as he loved Rantaro. Rantaro used that break to go look for his lost sisters again, while Korekiyo used it to catch up on his studies. It was also a good time to reflect on himself, to figure out his identity.

  Over the years, Rantaro has helped him grow as a person. He got him on the right path to become stronger. Korekiyo felt as if he overcame the troubles that have been haunting him. Sure, there's still those days where it's difficult to overcome, but he has no doubt that he's become stronger. He's been able to look at the mirror without seeing his sister, or rather the shell of who she wanted him to be; now he can finally see himself. He's no longer some mindless puppet who's stuck in the hands of a haunting face from the past. His strings were truly cut off. He's become his own person. A man who's more than his trama.

  He's happy with the person he became, Rantaro is too. Rantaro grew over years as well. He was once a man who grew to loathe himself, dragged down by the chains of guilt he made. But now he's free from the chains, he pulled himself from the spot he was stuck in for so long and reached towards a better place. He found a new sense of determination. A determination to move forward. How much he's grown indeed.

  Korekiyo smiles to himself, as he took a sip of his tea. He's happy to have met Rantaro. He wraps his arms around himself. Oh how he can't wait until Rantaro comes home.


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