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2 weeks later

"So what's the move this weekend gang?" Carlos asked propping his feet on my leg.

"When the parents are away, the kids will play" Tahiry smirked.

"House partyyy" her and Omarr said in unison.
Later that night

"Hit this?" Jacoby said as he motioned to the blunt in his hand.

"No thank you, I don't smoke" I told him while sipping on my Malibu.

"Oh I forgot you was a good girl" he said squeezing my shoulder causing me to suck my teeth and take the blunt out of his hand only for him to take it back.

"You don't have to prove anything to me" he said lowly in my ear causing me to melt into his arms. I watched as he brought the blunt to his mouth and take a long puff. He looked down at me before turning and releasing it through his nose the other way.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I watched him converse with a few of his friends.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been kicking it with Jacoby and it had been amazing getting to really know him. He was a gentlemen, he was sweet in his own way, and it seemed like he genuinely liked me. I was slowly starting to develop feelings for him, slowly. The more time I spent with Jacoby, the more I started to forget about Omarr and Ashley. 

I stood up to go into the kitchen only to be pulled onto his lap.

"Hmm where you think you going?" He spoke into my ear.

I turned around, unable to hide the goofy grin on my face.

"Find Tahiry." I told him.

He let me go and grabbed my hand as I stood up.

"Don't be long" he said while looking up at me with his dark eyes.

"Boy." I laughed and mushed him in the face while blushing and making my way to where Tahiry and Lexus were.

"You look amazing bitch, I just wanted to say that again cause I did your hair" Tahiry said causing me to laugh.

"What about my fit?"

"I like it" Lexus told me and Tahiry agreed

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"I like it" Lexus told me and Tahiry agreed.

"I peeped you and your lil boo over there" She told me.

"Girl, we just friends." I waved her off.

"Friends my ass, y'all like each other" Tahiry said while giving me a look.

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