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"you have a possessive secretary huh?" I asked when the call ended and I pouted. She just chuckle and take my hand to pull to stand up as I obliged.

"wait Lisa ! I juts arrived here yesterday and went straight to the bar so I don't have some stocks yet to cook for our lunch" She just walk outside the room and gestured me to follow her .

"does Jisoo or Rosie know?" Lisa asked me while still looking at my things inside my living room scanning every frames I have .

"not yet ! I am about to surprise them today but then maybe change of plans since I surprised you first which I didn't planned" I sat on the couch facing her . It's been a minute but still standing holding something on her hands , her back facing me and she didn't answer . I lean my upper body forward and cupped my face with my both hands on top of my middle table looking at her wondering why she didn't answer.

"S-still have this photo here?" I frowned as she turn her body to face me holding the frame which has a picture of me and her in a candid shot by Jisoo in her condo where we used to live together . I just nod and she smile sadly and place it back on its place.

She sat beside me meters away as she stretch both arms on top of the couch

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She sat beside me meters away as she stretch both arms on top of the couch .and lean back her head facing the ceiling . I just look at her with cross legs and my other arm on top cupping my chin for support . I got flinched when she clears her throat but still looking at the ceiling .

"We still have time . Let's go?" She lower her head to meet my face .

"go where?" I asked.

"You can't cook. You don't have anything here so let's go buy you some stocks" She stood up and walk in front of me as she gesture her hand for me to pull up . I smile at the thought that we are going to the grocery like what we used to do .

"Ok master ! I'll just get my hoodie for you and me" I stand up but stopped by her statement.

"I have my coat so don't worry about me Jennie." I look back .

"I know but it is the same coat you have last night at the bar. It is even smell like the bar" I smirk then disappear when I heard her sigh in defeat .

"Leave your coat here ! I'll bring them later to the laundry shop with my clothes , change your pants also it's smelly and don't say No !' I shouted inside my room loud enough for her to hear from the living room .

I heard footsteps and the door opened as revealing her in her boxer shorts holding her pants and coat as she enter the restroom to place her dirty clothes . I smile at the moment and feel my face blushing as I didn't expect the Lisa now will act like the Lisa I know when we were together .

"where's the track pants here ? I place it here inside the restroom" my senses brought back when the love of my life questioned me about the pants she wore.

'here. I saw it on the floor so I picked it up" I gave her the pants and her hoodie and she put it on her body in front of me and my eyes widened . I saw her chuckles .

"as if it's your first time to see me in boxers and shirt Jennie. You even saw me naked " she smirk and walk trying to ignore my answer .

"wh-what the f--" I startled as and she cut me off .

"are you coming?" she asked before her feet lands outside the room. I just lowered my head and stand up following her .


- LISA -

I am driving on the highway with Jennie in silence . I love here being with her again but still the thought of her leaving me 4 years ago and waiting for her in 4 years still causing my heart ache again . I want to release the pain and be with her again but still something is missing for me to bring back in her arms again . Am I ready for her explanation? Is it the missing piece for me to be ok? I clear my throat to kill the silence around us .

"are you staying here in Seoul for good?" I asked then glance at her. She is looking outside the window

"mhm" She answered not looking at me .

"How about your work abroad?" I look back to the road .

"well.." she clears her throat and turn her body to face me .

"ahmmm. after my 4 years of working there, I didn't sign another contract" I narrowed my brows in confusions . I stop the car when the light turns red then look at her .

"why? I thought it's your dream?" She just stare at me then turn her back to the window, lowered her head then tilt her head to face me again .

"It is not my dream though Lisa" she turn her gaze to the window again .

"wh-what are you saying? you left me for that damn job Jennie!" As the past bring back the pain I have my voice got high pitch. I saw her gulp then look at me and hold my hand with her both hands .

"please Lisa. I will explain everything calm down please" She cry again . When I saw her eyes release some tears , I look away and pull my hand in her and starts the engine again .

We become quiet again . No one wants to start a conversation and after 10 minutes, I park the car at the mall's parking lot and before I stop the engine I face Jennie still wiping her eyes from tears . I grab her hands to look at me .

"hey! I'm sorry for shouting" I sigh then she nods .

"it's just that .. It's hard remembering those --" she cut me off.

"I understand" she sadly smile but the pain in her eyes still seen in her

"Let's talk about it some other time when I am ready yeah ?" she smile then nods again . I release my hand in her then stop the engine . I go down and open her door.

Time goes by fast and it's already 11:30 am . We finished buying stocks for her condo and finished our lunch. We talked about what Jisoo and Rosie , the company and the dance studio/academy that Jisoo and I built since last year . Her family and her dog Kuma and she told me that her mother told her that I never stop visiting Kuma twice a month to give him his needs and for the check up. He's our son though .

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