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- LISA -

It's been a month since I started courting Tzuyu . Same routine everyday, having lunch together in our break time then bring her back to the office as I went to the dance studio. Picking her up at night , have dinner together and bring her home . In some days, when we decided to stay in her house just to watch movies, she tries to prove her love to me by giving me some desires to have the lust which I didn't give in . If I were the same Lisa maybe , I will not give a damn and attack her instantly but no . I find myself to pity her in a way that I unintentionally giving her . I know it makes her heart ache but I am trying hard just to give us an US but still It is still Jennie and she's aware of that but still ignores it.

I find myself driving in the middle of Hongdae that brings back all the memories where Jennie and I with Rosie and Jisoo used to hang out . I turn left and stop in front of a familiar bar where we celebrate each other's birthday and anniversaries .

'its been a while' I whispered before exiting my car . As I enter the bar , the familiar bartender 4 years ago greeted me with a wide smile .

"Hey Lisa ! It's been a while. getting stronger huh?"
He said that made me confused . I ignore his statement afraid that he might question me about Jennie and change the topic.

"how are you man ! Still working here huh?"
I shake his hand and tap my other hand on his shoulder .

"Let me take care of my old friend here"
he whisper to the other bartender then focused on me then continue.

"yeah still working here but look ! I'm a manager now since last year!'
he pointed his glassy pin with his name and his position below his name.

"congrats Sehun! I think you owe me a drink for that !" i teased.

"of course ! this is on the house, my treat of course. same drink ?" I nodded and he hand me a shot of my whisky.

"It's been a long time Lis ! I thought you got separated but I was wrong!" I cross brows in his statement but before I answered back, his boss called him .

"got to go Lis. I'll be back!" I just nodded again and raise my another shot on him and he waved at me.

'you're not wrong man!' I thought myself. The pain back as I remember the memories with Jennie inside this bar. i thought I can handle it. I thought I am stronger enough to face everything and bring back myself but i was wrong . Hour passed and I saw Sehun who is busy with some VIP's in the bar . Different girls sits beside me getting my number but I prefer to ignore them all . I remember Jennie when we were drinking with Rosie and Jisoo here in the bar , celebrating our 2nd anniversary when unfamiliar girl approached us and gave me a drink.


"a drink for a hot cutie" a woman hand me a shot of tequila and lowered her upper body to met my head then whispered . Meet me at the restroom then she licked my earlobe . Before she even stand up , a liquid running down from her hair down to her body .

"what the fuck !" the girl angrily stated ! Then I saw Jennie standing behind her holding an empty glass in one hand and her other hand on her waist while Jisoo behind her holding her arm trying to stop her .

"what is your problem girl ?!" the angry lady asked forcing herself to be near to Jennie while Rosie's in the middle of them.

a group of people surrounded them as I make myself close to Jennie in front and wrap my hands around her.

"stop love you're making a scene." I pleaded her .

"You will get out of my way or I'm going to kill you both?" I went back on her but not releasing my arms around her stomach.

"You piece of shit! You should go by now before I even pull your hair back and scratch it on the table dirty slut!" She scream

"Ow! Sounds like an angry girlfriend here! Are you dreaming girl ? I don't even think that hot cutie at your back will even glance at you" the lady teased

"I pity you slut ! You don't know anything ! Do you want a proof girl ?" Jennie recluse while crossing her arms and everyone shouting like they are betting who will gonna win the fight .

"let's go Jennie!" I whispered . I saw Rosie whispering to Jennie while smiling and Rosie's trying to stop the other lady .

"ow. stop with the illusions girl ! You're claiming her but called you on your name? how pity!" the lady chuckles then Jennie glanced at me.

"kiss me Manoban!" She whisper while her mad eyes on me and my eyes widen.

"NOW !" Jennie shouted and in a second I cupped her face with both hands and kissed her passionately and she kissed back.

"It's okay now ! The girl left with a defeated look " Rosie laughed and I heard everyone screaming around us. I smile as soon as we break the kiss and I hug Jennie.

-present day-

"Hey Lis !. You are drunk as fuck. wait here I will call her there to to tell her you're wasted" I heard Sehun whispering to me but I can't manage to stand up and didn't bother who's 'her' he is referring to and then everything went black.



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