Day one

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Tik tok
Tik tok
The door slammed open and a tall redhead walked through the door slumped over dragging his feet till he dropped himself into a desk leaned back and closing his eyes. The girl looked at him in amazement her pink eyes staired in wonder about his scar. The black haired boy jumped from his seat and was awoken from his sleep. The girl with the green streaks in her midnight hair kept her head low. The blond head had fear all over her face and in her eyes, and the boy to her right silently watched out of boardum. The door cracked again as a pink haired girl walked in and went to the front "hello all and welcome to detention I don't want to make this boring so I will ask one thing of you I want you to clean this room and decorate it however you want. I will be back in two hours, because it's Friday I should remind you we have this tomorrow aswell." She said and walked out of the room. The black haired boy walked over to the door and jiggled the handle.
" damn it's locked!"
"No du idiot" the black haired girl stated. The red haired girl got up and the teens looked right at her she Started to talk. " hey my name is blossom it's so nice to meet you!" She exclaimed. They all looked at her with confusion. "Whatever." The black haired girl said. They all got up and started cleaning, blossom sighed and started cleaning up some books and put them on a shelf, the blond girl looked at her and started to walk towards her.
"What?" Blossom said
"My name is bubbles" she quietly said.
"It's so nice to meet you bubbles!" Blossom said excitedly. Bubbles put her hand out for a hand shake, but blossom pulled her In For a hug. She was suppised at first but hugged back smiling. The rest of the two hours they cleaned happily together.

Detention (not my cover)(on small break feel free to give suggestions.)Where stories live. Discover now