Part 15

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Blossom POV
Jojo that's his last name honestly it's cute. Too bad my teacher only uses last names, but I'm his partner yay I can maybe get closer to him. Now what should I get him... ah! I got it.

Bubbles POV
I have been getting these letters for a while now and there so cute but I don't really ever want to meet this person I like boomer and nothing can change that no matter how nice. But of course I really just want him to be happy so even if he is happy without me, I will be happy. I have to get ready for dinner my sister is bringing her best friend and his brother.

Butch POV
Sigh I'm so lucky to date buttercup I mean it's only been a few weeks but I love her, I mean of course I can't tell her she would be freaked out but I don't know what to do.

Boomer POV
I'm just laying in my bed when my brother knocked "yo bro are you getting ready for dinner? I want you to look nice"
I open the door and sign yes I am now then I close the door and get ready. I don't get why I have to get dressed up to meet someone my brother hangs with.

Blossom POV
Aaannddd done i finish rapping the shiny red box with some gold ribbon. Man I hope he likes this. I got a text from bubbles.
🐠🐙🐡bubbly: hey bloss I need you opinion on some dresses I have to dress up for a dinner.

(You): sure just send some pics
She sent the pics and I chose the blue sparkly dress with off the shoulder sleeves and a skirt that is longer in the back and shorter in the front it had beautiful detailing in the front with rymstones.
🐠🐙🐡bubbly:thanks, also did you hear dexter is coming back in two days will you be ok?
(You): i really hope so thanks for letting me know bubbles.
🐠🐙🐡bubbly:y'a no prob. Sorry gtg sis is waiting.
(You): k
I closed my phone and whent down for dinner. I was expecting it to be silent but there were two voices. I ran down and stoped in my tracks both my moms were home I ran to them and hugged them.
Brick POV
Uuuugggggg i can't figure out how to talk to blossom let alone tell her how I feel. I have tried several times but nothing comes out of my mouth and I look stupid, maybe tomorrow?

Bubbles POV
I got all ready and headed down to help my sister make dinner.
"Wow bubs you look great they should be here soon"
A little while later the doorbell rang, I ran to open it. I looked up and saw a tall brown haird boy and when I looked over my heart stoped.
3rd person POV

Hey sorry I'm doing best to update.but good news I think this book is almost done a few more chapters and I will be done at least I think but as always any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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