Day 6

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"So you going to tell me what happened yesterday?" Bubbles questioned
"I would rather not but you are my BFF, so here it goes. I was trying to figure out reds name but I totally whent to far and got super close and we kissed, but I want to tell you a secret." She leaned to bubbles ear and whispered " IV kind of loved red since I first saw him at school which was a few years ago i just never learned his name. That isn't the reason I'm in detention though, I had no clue he would be here." Blossom finished looking back at her friend.
" aww I think that's cute and it's definitely noticeable you like him"
" yep" said a voice they turned around to face butch.
"Y-you won't tell him right!" Blossom stuttered.
" don't worry I got you bro" is what butch replied.
"And we know something to" Bubbles said
"What?" Both blossom and butch said
"You totally like buttercup!" Bubbles said cheerfully
"Umm ya I do" butch said shyly
"Don't worry I got you bro"said Blossom repeating his words from before, and playfully punching his arm.
Then buttercup appeared and sat down. Blossom got up to throw somthing away but slipped and butch caught her and pulled her back up.
" oops sorry butch"
"It's fine just don't want you to fall"
Buttercup and brick (who just arrived) starred at them angrily.they both didn't know why but they felt mad that they were so close.

Hi to the one reader on this story hope you like it so far 😁

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