Day two

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Blossom skipped in, then the door closed. Everyone growned. But blossom smiled Brightly and exclaimed. " what a great day!" Bubbles was about to ask why but a brown bag was shoved in her face. She pushed it away and looked questioningly. " what is that?"
" why breakfast of course" she cheered " I brought some for everyone!" She said as she handed out bags to everyone. They all looked at her surprised then dig in to there baked goods, well all except the red head boy he just put the bag aside and got to work.
" damn what's your problem it's free breakfast, and delicious breakfast at that?" The black haired boy said still stuffing his mouth.
"Well his loss" the black haired said
Blossom fround but looked away and started smiling again. She started to dust off tables in the same corner as last time. This time the black haired boy went up to her.
"Hey it's ok blossom he's just a grump that's all." The black haired boy said then walked away.
           The red haired boy POV
Ever since day one I felt that stupid ball of sun shine looking at me,she looked at me like everyone else I'm just the red head with scars, a red baseball cap,the loner who wears red and black an that's it. Today she brought breakfast but I wasn't going to speak she would only pity me more. As I saw the black haired boy walk up to her my red eyes angered shooting imaginary lasers at his head. I have no idea why but I feel like I need to protect her.

                    Bubbles POV
I looked at the blond haired boy in wonder he hasn't even made a sound. But it's not like the red haired boy, it's not angry but calm not spiteful but caring. I say hi but he only smiles and waves back. But when I looked at his dark blue eyes I see sadness but when I looked even past that I saw the most beautiful eyes with the most beautiful story full of emotion.
                       No one POV
After they finished breakfast they started cleaning there sections again. They have most of the stuff cleaned up but just had to mop, dust, and wipe off the stuff.

Detention (not my cover)(on small break feel free to give suggestions.)Where stories live. Discover now