Part 10-where we left off

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Blossom slowly opened the door.
"BLOSSOM where are you going!"
"Just going to see my friend bubbles."
"Ok but be back by 10:00"
"Will do, bye"blossom said and ran out the door. She grabbed her phone and called bubbles. "Ok were ago for mission butchercup"
"Perfect there heading out meet you there"

Buttercup POV
We were going somewhere fancy ish cause class is just not our thing I think he said it's a cafe.
"You ready to go"butch asked me
"Ya"I replied he handed me a leather jacket I raised my eyebrow questioningly. He just smiled and pointed, and there before me was a black triumph motorcycle with two helmets on top.
3 person POV
Buttercup smiled and jumped on butch with a hug. She loved motorcycles but the only other boy brave enough to ask her out never let her on the bike he had because he thought she was too girly and wimpy so she socked his face. But that wasn't the reason she was in detention.
Butch POV
I'm so glad buttercup likes the bike I mean she hugged me it was the greatest moment of My life. We hoped on and drove to the cafe the best part was she was behind me grabbing on my waist. Best day ever! We parked and grabbed a table. We were just casually talk when this guy walked up. I really didn't like the look of him.
3 person POV
"Hey buterbully"he said with a smirk.
Buttercup tensed, along with butch and the two peeping toms watching there opt come to life, her fist curled up she was about punch but he flew to the floor.
Buttercup POV
I was about to pummel nick through the floor but as soon as I blinked he was in the floor knocked out. I looked over to butch, who was sneering with his fist out. He shouted "Don't you dare talk to her like that." He seemed to calm down. He looked over at me grabbed my hand and we ran. Once we were in the clear I laughed.he made me feel happy. He decided we should walk it would be nice and he could get the motorcycle later.
3 person POV
They walked through the dimly lit city calmly taking step by step in the silence. They reached buttercups house. "How dare that guy"butch began. He didn't want to start something with buttercup but he couldn't let it go, that man called buttercup a bully and she may seem mean but she's a real softie, well he hopes so. "I mean I can't believe he would say such a thing to you, I'm sad I didn't punch him harder and ano......" Butch stoped when he felt buttercups lips on his cheek. Buttercup smiled and said nothing but "thank you" and ran back inside. It took butch a few minutes to register what happened he smiled and fist pumped in the air screaming "YES!" He pulled himself together and walked home but not before looking at the lime green window in happiness.

Blossom walked through the door. "How was hanging with bubbles?"
"Pretty great" she said with a smirk recalling the spying the two girls did. With that she headed of to bed.

Thanks so much for staying with this book sorry about that break I finally got some ideas and thanks to  for the support. Again if You have any suggestions or comments they are always welcome love you all you awesome people have a great day, evening, or morning.

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