Day 8

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Sure bubbles and blossom were best friends so was boomer and butch but blossom and butch were getting closer but not romantic at all but bc and brick had no clue. One day buttercup couldn't stand it she stood up harshly and walked away. Blossom looked at butch, and said "go get your girl man" brick looked confused and bubbles looked super excited. Butch just knotted and ran after. "So your not dating him?" Brick questioned. He wasn't expecting laughter as and answer "he's like a brother to me only grosser!" Blossom chuckled out.brick only nodded. Blossom wondered why he was so cold.
Butch caught up to buttercup.
"Buttercup!" Butch called she turned around and kept walking. Butch ran in front of her. "What's wrong beautiful?"
"That, that right there" buttercup spat.
"You stupid playboy!"
"What are you talking about"
"You and blossom."
"Bwahhhh haha haha!" Butch wiped his tears laughing.
"First she totally likes Someone else, and second she's like my sister, and third I only like you"
"It's brick isn't it, second I'm sorry, and third I like you too."
"Yes, what for, and will you go out with me?"
"One date and then we will see from there."

Hey so I wanted to say thanks to the people reading this. It means a lot that you would at least try my book. If you have any ideas or comments about how I can improve I would love it and maybe even check out your storys if I haven't already read them (I would read them again all you wrighters are great)

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