Red(day 5)

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Today was the day Blossom was going to find out reds name, only reason it is today is everyone except her red and bubbles was sick.she walked up to him and asked once more.
" so red what's your name?"
"None if your business blossy!" Brick said. Blossom walked even closer cornering brick into the wall.
" blossy has a nice ring to it red." Blossom said slow to make sure he got every word. They got closer.
"Ugh!" Was all brick said. They inched closer and finally got so close that brick pushed his lips into blossoms, of course she kissed back. This lasted until bubbles came looking for them.
"Hey guys so where should I........ um I'm just going to find it myself." Bubbles slowly backed up and then ran.
"Oh shoot I'm so sorry red that was totally all my fault I'll leave you alone now." Blossom said speedy and just as she was leaving brick said something,well he tried to.
"Uhh i mean...uhh" He sputtered out
"No it's totally fine see you around." She walked away leaving a confused brick.

Detention (not my cover)(on small break feel free to give suggestions.)Where stories live. Discover now