Part 14

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Buttercup POV
After brick left, yes I know his name, I turned to butch. "So what is boomer doing exactly!"
"Writing love letters to bubbles but not signing them." He quickly said
"Oh god of course he is." Poor guy has no idea bubbles likes him. "Butch why would he not sign them."
"Well I mean he is an idiot but it was because once he forgot to sign his first one he realized he could tell her how he felt without her 'rejection'." We both face palmed and went back to homework.

Blossom POV
I'm so glad brick was there I don't want to think of what that creep was going to try to do to me, yes I am tough but something about dexter makes me terrified. I'm going to think of a gift for brick.

Time skip to morning at school
Third person POV
Blossom bubbles and buttercup we're walking down the hallway when bubbles spoke up. "Did you hear dexter had his nose broken?"
"Ya I heard he won't be at school for a week." Buttercup said
"Well I think he deserved it.!"blossom said. The girls looked at blossom like she grew another head then bubbles started " oh god blossy what did he do this time" as well as moving to give her a hug. "Wait what do you mean, if he hurt you I'm going to punch him so hard he will hit the Eiffel tower." Buttercup growled.
"Can we just not talk about it right now?" A chorus of of course and Yas rang out before the bell rang for class.

Brick POV
Uggggg I have to sit through science class it's not that I hate science but the class is so boring. At least blossom is in my class. The teacher was announcing partners for the semester. Blossom came over to me and said "looks like we're partners mr. jojo" oh god my last name is so embarrassing. She giggled and it was the most beautiful sound. She snapped me out of my trance and we started on our project me and blossom were explaining how the chemicals in glow sticks works.
Well my day got so much better.

Sorry for the bad updates I'm trying but if you have and comments feel free.

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