Part 12

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Butch POV
I grabbed my coat and phone and started out my door I saw my dads In the living room and told them where I was going, they said to be safe and be back soon like usual. I hopped the gate and sped to the park as fast as possible. I saw buttercup ironically by the buttercups, but she looked absolutely beautiful in the street lamp light. I slowly approached her when she saw me she waved.

Buttercup POV
I was waiting at the park it was sunset, I admired the view. Then I saw him so I waved,he waved back and headed over. I'm so nervous what if he doesn't feel the same. I looked at him and decided it's now or never.

No ones pov
Buttercup took a deep breath and looked into butches eyes. "Butch I know we only went out once but frankly it was the happiest I have ever been. So I wanted to ask you, will you be my boyfriend?" She had a hopefull look in her eyes as she brought her face down expecting a no. Butch lifted his hand and brought her face back up. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, when he leaned back to look at buttercup he smiled and hugged her saying "yes, yes a million times yes!" Buttercup just chuckled and said
"Your more of a girl than me sometimes. But I wouldn't change it for the world."

Detention (not my cover)(on small break feel free to give suggestions.)Where stories live. Discover now