Day 3

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Monday lunch:
When bubbles got there she saw blossom she was about to say hi but she looked closer and saw a face that she didn't recognize, Blossom was ...sad but as soon as she saw the most pain she had ever seen in someone's eyes it vanished as blossom herd her hair russling and looked up an smiled like before.
"What?" She asked in a cheerful voice.
"Are you ok, you can tell me anything. You know that right?"Bubbles asked sadly.
"......." blossom was apasalutly silent.
"I will tell you my secret if you tell me yours." Bubbles suggested
"Ok" was a whisper from blossom.
"Your my first friend, like ever" Bubbles said sheepishly
"What why, your amazing?"
"People never talked to me they thought I was week and stupid and just because I was blonde they disliked me."
Blossom started tearing up "your the most imaginative girl i have ever met and I met you three days ago and I'm glad to be your friend." Blossom exlamed confidently.
" I ca..." slam! Something slamming on the table interrupted blossom.the two girls looked up to see the black hair girl. With a tiered look on her face. The two girls whispers "later" and continued to look at the girl.
"What's wrong?" They both asked
"School" she simply replied
Thunk! Thunk! Two more people of the group Showed up another blond and another ravenette.
"Jeas you guys look like hell!"the black haired girl exlamed.
"Wow thanks" the black haired boy said sarcastically
" oh guys what are your names,I'm sorry I didn't ask before!" Blossom yelled
"Names butch"the black haired boy said. The blonde haired boy grabbed a marker and wrote something down, then showed the group BOOMER is what the sign read.
" well hi butch and boomer nice to meet cha" Blossom put her and out.
" oh right you already know I'm Blossom and this is my new best friend Bubbles!" Blossom nodded tword Bubbles she put her hand out again and butch and boomer shook. Butch looked past blossom to the black haired girl.
                         Butch POV
As I turned my head my brain stopped working, I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen sure I noticed her before but she looked even prettier when she had no makeup on and her messy hair,so cute! "So what's your name?" I asked surprising myself.
"Buttercup she replied with a groggy scratchy voice, music to my ears. Sigh.
                      No one POV
"So how about you?"Blossom said
Everyone looked at her shocked because the red haired boy just appeared behind her they were all a bit shocked that she knew he was behind her. He shook it off and sat down next to butch. He grunted and looked down.
"Well ok grumpy pants I'm going to call you red then"Blossom said
"Whatever" was a bearly audible sound coming from reds mouth.
                          Reds POV
How did she know I was behind her, ugg! After I sat down she asked me what my name was, I was never going to tell them my name was brick everyone makes fun of it anyway and I only have to see them for a few more weeks. "I'll call you red then" Blossom said with a smile. I breathed "whatever" I pushed my head down more, my face started to heat up why does she make me feel this way!
                        No one POV
They all talked together (except brick) till lunch was over.
After school:
The teens all arrived in the room and started there routine.
Blossom POV
Ya of course I knew his name wasn't red but his red eyes are adorable so I'm going to call him red. I'm going to try to gess his name and maybe on day get it. But maybe tomorrow today I'm focused on finishing my corner.

Boomer POV
Ugh this bubbles! It's like She can't stop talking and asking questions, like can you talk? Of course I can talk but there's no way I'm talking, my accent is weird,and it's just better when I don't talk.

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