Part 9

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Brick POV
Couldn't place it he knew his blossy I mean blossom was different but he couldn't place it. Maybe it was the subtle way she pushed her hair behind her ears, or maybe it was the fact she made him feel somthing he swore to never feel again but he liked it he liked everything about her.

Boomer POV
I'm confused that such a bubbly girl can be both annoying and adorable. I also don't get how butch of all people can get a date with his not so subtle crush buttercup. Oh well good thing I'm mute for the most part I actually haven't been able to talk for a while now that I have refused to talk for so long I can't anymore.

Bubbles POV
I totally need brick and blossom to be a thing. It's the only thing distracting me from boomer. It's just somthing about him even if he totally hates me I want to become his friend see what he's like and find out the mystery that is boomer.

Butch and buttercups date:
Butch POV
I was standing outside her door, all I had to do was knock. I was frozen what if I mess up or she hates me and is doing this as a joke. Ok pull yourself together man just complement her or something. Ya I'll do that. He knocked and the door creeped open to reveal buttercup.
Buttercup POV
I opened the door and I saw butch standing there. But he wasn't moving. Oh god what was it was my hair bad did I have something in my teeth did he not like me anymore.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Oh sorry! Your just so beautiful and sorry for staring!"
Butch looked like he was scared for her response. Like saying that was a bad thing.
"O oh"
"Well thank you no one has ever said that to me"
"Really?" Butch looked up questioningly I decided not to mention it and asked "where are we going?"
Butch POV
I can't believe the prettiest girl ever was never complimented oh well I'm excited for our dinner.

I'm so sorry to cut this off here but I want to update as much as possible so you don't have to wait let me know if
You have any ideas have a great day

Detention (not my cover)(on small break feel free to give suggestions.)Where stories live. Discover now