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𝚡𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚑
【𝚡𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚔𝚎𝚢】

𝚡𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚑【𝚡𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚔𝚎𝚢】

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"You really finna have my baby man..." I smiled through the pain as Que sat beside me in the hospital.

Contractions coming as I squeezed his hand tightly, looking over at T-boo and X'ari who were making trillers with us in the background.

Boosie was chilling on a couch on the other side, laying down with her head in lo's lap as he rubbed on her pregnant stomach.

"I'm about to have your baby." Que smiled, kissing my forehead as a nurse came in to check on me.

I was beyond ready to have this baby at this point, this long ass pregnancy really weighing on me.

I planned to finish college after I had him, already talking to the people at my school and they totally understand with everything I had been through.

Marcus and Trap were dead now, their plan not working like they thought it would and look at they asses now. Dead as fuck.

Tk got away though, only getting shot twice while managing to get away. Running away from a battle he helped start.

Boosie found out she was pregnant a few weeks after everything that went down and she was now going to have the 3rd gang baby.

"You ready for this?"

"Not really..." I hissed, another contraction washing over me causing me to squeeze Que's hand even harder.


"Shut the fuck up cause you did this shit." I snapped at him, my eyes closing tightly as I tried to let the pain pass by.

Za'nariah turned out to be cool, I still didn't really fuck with her though. We were slightly cordial at this point.

"Aww baby..." My mom spoke gently as she came into the room, holding my overnight bag in her hand.  I was in such a rush that I ended up forgetting it.

It was crazy when I thought about it. A little over a year ago I was hurt and ready to die until Que stopped me.

I had been through so much shit and it all just made me stronger. Now here I was, about to bring another life into this world.

Now I had a bigger purpose and I knew that I would do whatever i had to do to keep my son safe.

Soon I was 10cm dilated and it was time for me to start pushing. Everyone except for Que left the room, him standing there with his scrubs on ready for me to have the baby.

The next hour was filled with groans and screams as I tried my hardest to push when they told me to.

"I'm gone fucking kill you!" I yelled at Kacey, my face scrunching up in pain as I continued to push.

"I love you too baby..." He spoke, still holding my hand as I squeezed his arm tightly with my other.

"I can see the head..." I started to tune the nurses out, focusing on my breathing and trying to continue pushing.

Feeling a weight lift off of my shoulders when I heard a baby crying, tears falling down my face as I looked at Kacey.

His eyes were watering as he cut the umbilical cord, allowing the nurses to clean our son before handing him to me.

I could barely focus as I held him close to me, sobs escaping my parted lips as I cradled my entire world in my hands.

Hours later, almost everyone stood in the room as we waited for the nurse to bring the baby back.

Everyone talking quietly as I laid in the hospital bed, tired beyond belief as I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"Alrighty, we're back..." Jenna, the nurse, spoke as she be carried him back into the room. He was swallowed by a blanket and my heart warmed just being in the same room as him.

"Here ya go dad." She whispered, handing him to Kacey who stood up as soon as she walked into the room.

I felt myself tearing up as the baby began to smile at him, causing a few tears to roll down his face as he held our son.

The next person to hold him was my mom. She probably was the most emotional out of everyone in the room and I knew that she was thinking about Tj.

After everyone met him, they stayed for a while before leaving Que and I alone in the hospital room.

"I love you so much." He spoke to me, laying beside me in the bed as I cradled the baby in my arms.

"I love you forever." I smiled as our baby yawned, balling his hands up as his eyes opened to look at us.

"Kemari Dion Johnson..." Kacey whispered as the baby smiled at him before using his little hand to grab onto his finger.

I couldn't have been more happy. A feeling of serenity washing over me as I sat in the bed with two of the people I love the most.

If I would have been told all of this would have happened in April last year, I wouldn't have believed it at all.

I'm glad that it did happen though and I would be grateful for these moments forever.

It is the HOOD FLOW after all.



so hood flow 2 is officially over.

thank y'all for reading.


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