Chapter 1

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Martina ~
I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly, as stretched over to my bedroom table to turn the alarm off I sat up and stretched, god I hate mornings. I got dressed and went downstairs to an empty apartment since I live on my own, as you know I am cast in a Television show called Violetta.

After I got dressed and had breakfast I got into my fiat and drove to the new location where we are filming a music video for "Right now" we are all excited as I arrive, I see Lodovica and Cande talking, so I walked up to them.

Martina: Hey girls.

Lodo: Tini where have you been?

Cande: Yeah, you're late.

Tini: Really, I thought I was early.

Cande: No, Martin has been going mad, but you're not the only one Jorge isn't here either.

Lodo: We thought you were coming in together.

Tini: Huh? Why would I and Jorge come in together?

Cande: Come on Tini we all know how you feel about him. best friend yeah right more like a lover.

Tini: What? Jorge is my best friend I see him as my brother.

Lodo: Eww, you can't say that about your on-screen lover when you have to kiss him.


I walked over to Martin and Jorge as I stood by Jorge Martin told us what we had, and what the schedule was.

Martin: Okay before we are doing the music video, we are going to do a photo shoot and I need you two to act madly in love with each other.

Jorge: Okay, fine.

Tini: Yeah.
When we walked to the photo shoot, we saw a cute bench from last season, as we sat down I cuddled into Jorge's chest as he put his arm around me it did look like we were Leon and Violetta since we were acting so in love with each other.

When we walked to the photo shoot, we saw a cute bench from last season, as we sat down I cuddled into Jorge's chest as he put his arm around me it did look like we were Leon and Violetta since we were acting so in love with each other

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After a while

They finished the photo shoot and started to Film a music video, Violetta sat on the bed and started singing.

Martin: Yes, we are now ready to film the episodes.

Tini: Today? or tomorrow?

Martin: Tomorrow where I need to give the scripts today.

Jorge: Tini, are you okay?

Tini: *Shivering* I'm cold, that's all.

Jorge: Do you want my jacket?

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