Chapter 6

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When Jorge woke up he didn't see Tini beside him all he could hear was water running coming from the kitchen and music, as he got up he walked into the kitchen and saw her serving breakfast on a tray.

He just stood there leaning on the door frame of the bedroom and she looked up at him and jumped because he scared her.

Tini: *Jumps* Oh, Jorge you scared me.

Jorge: Sorry, what are you doing?

Tini: Well, I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.

Jorge: Aww baby, I don't need to have breakfast in bed.

Tini: I do, it's too early to get up.

Jorge: Well, leave my breakfast out here and you have yours in bed because I have to go somewhere first thing and I will be back soon.

Tini: Why? Where are you going?

Jorge: Secrets are allowed in our relationship.

Tini: What?

Jorge: Well, good secrets only, bad secrets aren't good.

Tini: Good, because I don't want you keeping secrets from me all the time.

Jorge kissed her head, as Tini sat on the bed to eat her breakfast she was worried about Jorge.

Tini ~

I wonder what he is up to? Why is he so secretive? He can usually tell me anything, I don't like the idea of him having secrets.

I looked at the clock and it was 10 am, I took my plate out to the kitchen and while I was washing up I could hear voices coming through the door.

I picked up something to defend myself with and went closer to the door, Jorge walked through the door with a couple.

Jorge: Baby, what was that for?

Tini: I was scared.

Jorge: Listen to me, this is Logan and Mary they live next door.

Tini: Nice to meet you.

Logan: Nice to meet you... Uh...

Tini: I'm Martina.

Mary: Nice to meet you, Martina, I'm Mary.

Tini: Nice to meet you.

Jorge: They were wondering if we wanted to go hiking with them.

Tini: But, Jorge we have to be back for Filming at 6:30 pm you told me we will be home.

Jorge: babe, we will be back in time, just chill out a bit.

Tini: Okay, I trust you.

When I got ready for hiking it made me feel a bit queasy because I was scared that we were going to miss Filming, but I have to trust Jorge when he says we will get there.


Tini: Coming.

I walked out of the bedroom wearing shorts and a top that came off my shoulder making Jorge stare at me even though Logan was looking at me.

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