Chapter 8

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Jorge ~
When everyone left I stayed with Tini because I couldn't leave her especially since this is all my fault the reason why she was in this hospital bed was because of me.

I held her hand as I sat on the chair beside the bed and looked at her sleeping peacefully.

Jorge: Baby, I hope you wake up soon, just remember Tini you can't sleep forever as you know.

Mechi: ahem can I come in?

Jorge: Oh hey yeah sure.

Mechi: Is she getting any better? I see that Martin has stopped filming because of this incident.

Jorge: No, she's just resting, but she hasn't woken up, I just hope she wakes up soon so I can't go on without her.

Mechi: Where's Pablo and Logan now?

Jorge: I don't know hopefully feeling guilty for what they did.

Mechi: Now Jorge you can't blame Pablo and Logan.

Jorge: Yes I can because this is their fault not just mine.

Mechi: Wait why would this be your fault?

Jorge: Well, I should be in here not her she's the one who got shot when I was supposed to get shot.

Mechi: What?

Jorge: Pablo wanted Logan to kill me and Tini took a bullet for me.

Mechi: Oh my god, that doesn't make sense why would Logan kill you and why would Tini take the bullet for you?

Jorge: Because I and Tini are together, and Pablo is jealous of the show that's all.

Mechi: Woah, you are with Tini when did this happen?

Jorge: Umm we've been dating in secret because Martin wouldn't want us together.


Jorge: We couldn't tell anyone because Martin would find out.

Tini: Jorge?

Jorge: Tini are you okay?

Tini: I'm okay, have you been here all along?

Jorge: I haven't left you.

Mechi: What am I invisible?

Tini: No, Mechi it's nice to see you.

Mechi: You look like hell.

Tini: Thanks.

Jorge: I'll let you two talk, I'll get you a drink.

I kissed her forehead before leaving which made Tini insecure in front of Mechi.

Mechi: Don't get insecure I already know.

I left them to talk.

Mechi: Why didn't you tell me you were with Jorge? Didn't you trust me?

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Mechi: Why didn't you tell me you were with Jorge? Didn't you trust me?

Tini: Mechi, I have been hiding a lot of things from you and I do trust you but we didn't want anyone to know especially the press and Martin, so now you know you can't tell anyone.

Mechi: Are you in love with Jorge?

Tini: Yes, I love him more than anyone I have ever loved.

Mechi: I'm happy for you and I won't say a word until you want to tell people, believe me, your secret is safe with me.

Tini: Thank you Mechi, I don't know what I would do without you.

Mechi: Hey, you're my best friend.

I came back by seeing Tini and Mechi hugging, I gave them their drinks when Tini took the drink off me she grabbed a hold of my hand and smiled at me.

Jorge: What's that smile for?

Tini: Mechi can you leave me, Jorge, alone for a while?

Mechi: Sure, I'll see you later.

When she left, Tini grabbed my hand pulling me to the bed while she was holding my hand, I saw her move up so I could lay beside her.

As I got in beside her she cuddled up to me tightly while falling asleep on me after a while, we both fell asleep until morning.


Thank you for reading.


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