Chapter 9

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Doctor ~
As I walked into the room I saw Jorge and Martina cuddling on the bed, so sweet to see them together even after the accident with Violetta Leon never left here, he just wanted to be by her side.

Doctor: Uh... Mr Blanco, I'm sorry but we need to run some more tests on Martina.

Jorge: okay, how long till she can come home?

Doctor: These are her last tests so the results will tell us if she's ready to go home.

Me Blanco: Oh good, because she is getting tired of being in here, she wants to be back at the Studio.

Doctor: And she will be back there soon I promise.

Jorge: She'd be glad to hear that.

Martina: Mm, Jorge where are you?

Jorge: I'm here, I was talking with the doctor, you have to go for some final tests and they are to tell us if you can come home yet.

Martina: Really? Oh great because I miss the Studio.

Jorge: You'll be back there soon.

Martina: Jorge, you won't leave, will you?

Jorge: Babe I'm just going to go home because I need a shower and get changed then I will be back.

Martina: What? I need you here with me.

Jorge: Babe, I need a shower, I swear I won't belong.

Martina: But...

Jorge: babe ill be back soon, how about I ask Lodovica to come and keep you company while I go home?

Martina: I don't want you to leave me, Jorge

Jorge: Babe, I need a shower baby, I promise you I will be right back.

Martina: Okay.

Jorge kissed her head before she went into the testing room once they took her to get tested, Jorge called Lodovica to go to the hospital while he went home.

Lodovica: Oh Tini, are you feeling better?

Tini: *Wakes up* Yeah I think so, where's Jorge?

Lodovica: he went home didn't he tell you?

Tini: Yeah, but I thought he wasn't going because I begged him to stay.

Lodovica: Why did he leave anyway?

Tini: Because he needed a shower, so he wanted to go home while I had to get my tests.

Lodovica: Are you okay?

Tini: I just want to go home and sleep in my bed with Jorge's arms around me.

Doctor: Ah Tini your results have come in and you can go home, where's Mr Blanco?

Jorge: I'm here.

Tini: *Runs to Jorge* Jorge I missed you.

Jorge: Babe, I wasn't that long, what's going on?

Tini: I get to come home.

Jorge: Really?

Tini: Why? don't you want me to come home?

She cuddled him tightly and he hugged her back looking at the doctor as they pulled away, she got dressed while Jorge talked to Lodovica.

Jorge: Maybe gather everyone at the studio so we can welcome Tini home.

Lodovica: I will go now.

She left, and Jorge walked back into the room while Tini was talking to the doctor and grabbed hold of his waist.

She left, and Jorge walked back into the room while Tini was talking to the doctor and grabbed hold of his waist

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Martina gets to finally go home from being in the hospital!!!

Thank you for reading.

I love you all.

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