Chapter 7

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Jorge ~
As we were still in this cabin with psycho Logan, I was letting Tini sleep on my chest while I was thinking about how to get out of there as I looked around Logan was nowhere to be found, but I could hear another male's voice who sounded like Pablo Espinosa, they started to come in the room where I pretended I was asleep for them not know I was listening.

Pablo: Wake up.

Tini sat up on my chest and looked at me asleep when she kissed me to wake up Pablo shouted at Tini.

Tini: Wake up my love.

Jorge: What's going on?

Pablo: how did this happen? Logan, you were supposed to kill Jorge, not Tini.

Jorge: What? He killed his wife for you.

Pablo: Good she was just annoying anyway.

Jorge: What?

Tini: I thought she was nice.

Pablo: Exactly she was too nice and her voice ugh annoyed me.

Tini: What hmm? Are you going to kill me if I get annoying?

Pablo: No, I'll just make you suffer instead of killing him.

Tini: What happened to you?

Pablo: Since I left Violetta, I saw the chemistry between you and Jorge and now you're a couple it's just sickening.

Jorge: So you're doing this as jealousy?

Pablo: No, I'm doing this because I am fed up with you always taking Martina off me.

Jorge: What? Pablo, it's tv series it isn't real they are just storylines for god sake

Pablo: Oh, that's what you think it is?

Jorge: I don't think it I know.

Martina: Pablo we were never together in Violetta.

Pablo: Exactly Because of him and Martin dispising us.

Jorge: Or maybe because Leon and Violetta were a better fit than Tomas and Violetta.

Pablo: You take that back.

Jorge: Why because it's true, what are you going to Pablo kill me then go ahead I'll give you a head start.

Martina: Jorge don't be silly, Pablo you do it I will never talk to you again.

Pablo: Why do you care about him?

Martina: Because I love him as Leon or as Jorge he is who I love Pablo.

Pablo: What?

Martina: I said I love Jorge as Leon.


As we were both about to get up and head towards the door he stopped me as I was about to go out the door with Martina, he grabbed my arm back which made me let go of her hand which made Martina look at me.

Martina: Pablo, don't do it.

As Logan was setting up the gun Tini pushed Pablo off me until we heard Pablo say.

Pablo: Kill him.

Tini stood in front of me to stop the bullet from going inside me until it hit her wounded side, when I looked at her she fell to the floor in my arms as I kneel towards her.

Pablo and Logan made a run for it as I was trying to calm Tini down, I called the ambulance until I could hear my name being called when I looked up I saw Ruggero and Facundo.

Ruggero: What happened?

Facundo: Ooh, Tini?

Jorge: How did you get here? How did you know we were here?

Facundo: Well, I installed a new app it can track phones from afar even if it's turned off.

Jorge: Logan is an accomplice to Pablo.

Facundo: Wait a minute what is Pablo doing out here?

Jorge: The same reason why we were out here.

Ruggero: We need to get Tini to the Hospital.

We could hear sirens in the distance as I was trying to stop the bleeding with my top Ruggero was talking to Tini while Facundo was looking out for the Ambulance.

Ruggero: How's stopping the bleeding going?

Jorge: She's losing a lot of blood, she's not going to stay conscious for long.

Doctor: Where's the patient?

Jorge: Here, she's losing a lot of blood.

Doctor: Okay, sir we can take care of her.

Ruggero: Just be careful with her side.

Doctor: Don't tell us how to do our job, Sir.

Ruggero: Oh sorry.

Doctor: It's fine, she's going to be fine once we get her to the hospital.

Ruggero: Can the three of us go?

Doctor: Sure we got plenty of room the partner can be in the back with her and you two can ride in the front.

I looked down at Tini, as the doctor looked at me knowing that she was important to me, she held my arm for comfort and told me everything was going to be fine.

We got to the hospital and Tini was opening and closing her eyes the whole ride, I was so scared that I was going to lose thanks to Pablo and Logan, they took her into surgery I stayed behind with Ruggero and Facundo as the girls and Martin came down they were so sad and Martin was angry.

Martin: How did this happen?

Jorge: it wasn't bad I swear.

Lodovica; it wasn't bad? Then why are we in hospital Jorge? I knew you weren't good enough for her, I knew she would get hurt with you.

Ruggero: Lodo calm down this isn't Jorge's fault, Pablo wanted to kill Jorge and Tini saved his life.

Martin: Wait, Pablo as in...

Ruggero: Yes, it turns out he is jealous of Jortini so he thought to kidnap them and trying to kill them was good revenge he wanted Jorge in the hospital but Tini saved him.

The doctor walked up to them, and everyone looked at the Doctor.

Doctor: Who is Jorge Blanco?

Jorge: That's me.

Doctor: I have something to tell you.

Jorge: Yeah?

Doctor: I'm sorry, but your girlfriend is unconscious we gave her surgery and stopped the bleeding we had a heart rate but it slowed down.

Jorge: Are you serious?

Ruggero: But, the bullets touched her side, not her heart?

Jorge: It was a shock wasn't it? Believe me, Tini has done this before, whenever something happened to me she would stop breathing because of the shock running through her body, I can go see her.

Doctor: Sure, you all can she's in that room there.

We walked to her room and saw her resting so peacefully, I held her hand while kissing her forehead.

Jorge: Hi my love, it should be me lying in that bed not you.

Ruggero: Now, Jorge feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to make things better.


Is Jorge going to be able to cope without Tini?

What are Logan and Pablo up to next?

Is Tini going to survive this?

Thank you for reading.



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