Chapter 5

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Tini ~
After I got dressed and ready for the most romantic date ever, it was now 7:59 pm and there was no sign of Jorge's car, Where could he be? I picked up my phone and tried calling him, but after it rang a lot his message came on, what is going on Jorge? Are you running late?

After some time, I sat on the sofa watching TV, did he stand me up? I filled my face with Chocolate that I hid in the fridge watching romantic Films, when I was about to get a tissue to dry my tears, there was a knock on the door.

Tini: Jorge?

Jorge: I'm sorry, I wasn't finished preparing everything, I had to make sure everything was perfect. So really you could call me fashionably late.

Tini: You didn't answer the phone when I called you?

Jorge: Babe, I was busy getting everything ready for us, are you ready to go?

Tini: Isn't it a bit late for our reservation?

Jorge: Nope, I had a reservation for half-past 8.

Tini; So, why did you say get ready at 8 pm?

Jorge: Because I was going to take you somewhere first, but we can eat first and then I will show you something later.

Tini: Okay, I'll get my coat.

Jorge: Wait.

Tini: What?

Jorge: Come here *Holding her hand*

Tini: *Goes close to him* What?

Jorge wiped the corner of her mouth because she had chocolate left when he finished she looked at him with her sweet hazel-brown eyes.

Jorge: You had chocolate in the corner of your mouth.

Tini: Can't take me anywhere right?

Jorge: I wouldn't say that it was quite cute.

Tini: I'll get my coat now.

Jorge: Hmm, I think I have a better idea.

Tini: What?

Jorge took me into his arms and kissed me passionately, while we were kissing Jorge took his keys out of his pocket and locked his car and I then pulled him inside, when we were kissing he and I were stripping each other of every piece of clothing was from the door to the sofa.

As Jorge put my head down on the arm of the sofa he kissed down my neck making me moan quite loudly, Jorge laughed because she was so easy to moan.

Tini: *Looking at him* What are you laughing at?

Jorge: I love how I've only got to kiss your sensitive spot once and you moan.

Tini: Oh yeah.

Jorge: Yeah.

I pushed him back onto the other arm of the sofa and I kissed down his bare chest after biting his neck he groaned because he didn't like it.

Jorge: *Groaning* Ahh Tini.

Tini: Now who's groaning?

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