Chapter 10

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Martina ~
Once we stopped talking to the doctor about me taking things slow and not dancing until I have recovered, I begged Jorge to take us to the set, so I could see everyone doing filming as they were filming the end of episode 1.

Lodo: Tini, Jorge, what are you doing here?

Jorge: Well, we were on the way home when Tini wanted to see how the filming was going without her.

Lodo: *Looking at Martin* Awfully, let us just say Martin wants you back.

Tini:*Looks at Jorge* Jorge, do you think we will be able to carry on filming?

Jorge: *Thinks about it* I don't know about that baby, you are supposed to be resting.

Tini: Come on Jorge, I'm going to be okay.

Jorge: okay and then you will let me take you home so you can rest.

Tini: Deal, Lodo we'll do the filming.

Lodo: Are you sure you are well enough to do that?

Tini: Yes I am.

We walked up to the guys and Martin, we carried on filming the end of episode 1.

Martin: Well, what are you doing just standing there go get into your party costumes, GO!!! Geez, actors never work with them.

When we got changed we headed to the building where we filming the party, we started singing Be better when we all come together, as it was Violetta and Leon's last performance.

After the song.

Leon: Violetta, we need to talk

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Leon: Violetta, we need to talk.

Violetta: Leon, it's a party can't we talk later? Where we have discussed everything we are leaving the studio together.

Leon: No...

Violetta: No what?

Leon: Baby, your not leaving the studio.

Violetta: But...

Leon: Violetta, you love the studio too much I shouldn't have let you go this far.

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