Chapter 13

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Martina ~
I was woken by chanting and white lights flashing when I sat up to look out the window where I saw fans and bright white lights flashing from their cameras, wait a minute this room is on the top floor, so how the hell can they climb the building just to take a picture of Jorge lying in a hospital bed, I ran to the window and draw the blinds so it was very dark in the room, but it was just to stop them from taking photos of him. I walked up to his side and stroked his hair out of his face as it fell over his head, while I was stroking his hair I leaned in and kissed him until I felt his lips push against mine when I pulled away he slowly opened my eyes and looked at me.

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back while half asleep.

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back while half asleep

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Tini: Jorge? Oh, I'm so glad you're awake, I was so worried.

Jorge: Where am I? Who's Jorge?

Tini: Oh my god have you lost your memory?

Jorge started laughing making me hit him playfully.

Tini: *Hit his arm playfully* Don't scare me like that.

Jorge: Sorry, baby.

While we were talking, the doctor came in and was surprised when Jorge was awake, that he had to check if he was okay before he could go home. I went to call his parents and the guys to tell them he was awake the doctor talked to him in private.

Doctor: Jorge, your condition is more serious than Tini's.

Jorge: What do you mean?

Doctor: Jorge, you have a hole in your lungs from where you were Antidoesed and it can cause problems with your breathing.

Jorge: Doctor I feel fine.

Doctor: Yeah, but you may feel fine now, but what about when you go home and you don't feel fine hmm?

Jorge: Well, the only way I'm going to know if I'm going to be fine is you letting me go home to my girlfriend and if I don't come back here then you know I'm going to be fine, but if I come back here then I know I'm not going to be fine.

After a while

Tini came back into the room after Jorge was talking to the doctor and he left as she came in, she ran towards Jorge and sat on the bed talking to him.

Tini: So, what did the doctor tell you?

Jorge: Tomorrow I go home.

Tini: Wait a minute did the doctor say that or are you choosing the days Jorge?

Jorge: The doctor told me I can go home, tomorrow baby.

Tini: Why don't I believe you?

Jorge: What's not to believe I can go home tomorrow?

Tini: Because the doctor wouldn't tell you to go home that quick.

Jorge: Babe will you stop worrying I'm ready to go home tomorrow.

Tini: But, you...

Jorge: Babe calm down, okay I'll be fine.

When Tini was about to say something, Lodvica, Cande and Nicholas stuck their head in through the door and walked up to them while Nicholas hugged him tightly.

Cande: Are we disturbing?

Tini: No, we were just talking.

Lodovica: So when is his brave guy coming home?

Jorge: Tomorrow.

Nicholas: Are you sure you are well enough?

Tini: That's what I've been asking him.

Jorge: I feel fine.

Cande: Well if the doctor said it's okay for him to go home tomorrow then he must be well enough.

Jorge: Thank you.

Is Jorge well enough to go home?

Find out in the next part.

I'm sorry for the late update I've just been busy these few weeks.

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