Chapter 14

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A few months after Jorge came out of the hospital, Violetta was coming to the end and Jorge was preparing a surprise for Tini which made him get everyone involved, with the surprise as everyone hid the surprise from Tini because she couldn't know yet.

Facundo: How long are you going to hide this?

Ruggero: Yeah, we've been at this for a few months now isn't it time to tell her?

Samuel: Isn't she getting a little bit suspicious you know you sneaking in and out of the house with party food and everything?

Jorge: Guys, the girls have gone to get her, she will be in five minutes, now do what we talked about this has to be perfect.

Tini: Girls where are we going?

Lodovica: We're almost there, right Cande?

Cande: Yeah, you are going to love it.

As they arrived Tini saw a beautiful horizon like the location in Violetta 2 where Leon takes Violetta.

Tini: Oh my god, girls, this is beautiful.

Lodovica: It isn't over yet, NOW!!!!!!

Tini looked confused as she saw Jorge walking towards her with a beautiful bouquet.

Jorge: Hi, my love.

Tini: Jorge? What's all this?

Jorge: Well, this beautiful location is where we filmed Leon and Violetta, so I thought if Leon and Violetta can make this place special then so can we as Jorge and Tini.

Tini: What can make this special as us Jorge?

Jorge: This... Martina I know we've been through so much as friends, and a couple along with Pablo coming back and putting us both in hospital at different times, and filming Leon and Violetta, but I know I want to do something better than Leon, which is this Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera will you do me the honour of marrying me?

Tini: Are you serious Jorge?

Lodovica: OH NO!!!!!

Tini: Jorge, I can't marry you.

Jorge: Wait, what? Why not?

Pablo walked up to them as Jorge stood up confused along with everyone else.

Jorge: What is he doing here?

Pablo: Hi everyone, baby you ready?

Jorge: Woah, wait a minute, you're dating him, WHAT ABOUT US? What about me?

Tini: I'm sorry, Jorge, but I've been talking to Pablo a lot since you've been in the hospital and we have a lot in common and I'm kind of already engaged to him.


Ruggero: Tini, Are you feeling alright? Because you were by Jorge's side through his coma and now you are with this fool.

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