Chapter 2

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Jorge ~
I woke up with an arm around my core, I feel rough what did I do yesterday when I looked over my shoulder I saw Tini, Shit what did I do? I looked down at my bare body oh my god Stephie is going to kill me I cheated on her with Tini.

As I sat up Tini's hand slid off my waist and I looked at her slowly waking up, she opened her hazel brown eyes to look at me.

Tini: Mm, Morning Jorge.

Jorge: Morning Tini, I have to get home before Stephie finds out that I'm not sleeping.

Tini: What? Wait a minute, we had a great night now your just going to leave me.

Jorge: I don't have a choice, you forget I already have a girlfriend Tini, this can't happen again.

Tini: So, you're just going to run away from your feelings and carry on with Stephie.

Jorge: I love Stephie Martina, I have always loved Stephie.

Tini: Well, Go then I don't need this, if you don't love me then get out and leave me alone, the only time we will talk is when we are Leon and Violetta, but Jorge and Tini are no longer friends.

Jorge: Are you serious?

Tini: Yes now, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!

I got up and got dressed as I looked at Tini before leaving she didn't look at me she just looked down in disappointment I know that I shouldn't have slept with her, but I couldn't help it, we were in the moment and I guess it went a bit too far, and Stephie doesn't need to know.

After I left Tini's house I got to my house where I saw Stephie standing at the door with my shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms.

Stephie: Where have you been my love?

Jorge: I slept over at Ruggero's house, sorry I was supposed to call but I and Ruggero got talking and I guess it slipped my mind.

Stephie: Oh, what did you talk about with Ruggero?

Jorge: Oh, you know just guys chat, but I'm going to have a shower and go to set because we are starting episode one of season 2 today.

Stephie: Okay, my love.

I went upstairs after kissing Stephie's cheek and I turned the shower on while I was showering, I closed my eyes and saw Tini with her bare body. Why can't I stop thinking about her? God, she made me feel amazing and now I've lost her because I was an Idiot.

When I got changed and made my way to the set where I saw Samuel and the guys talking to the new guy.

Jorge: Hey, boys.

Samuel: Hey Jorge, this is Diego Domingez.

Diego: Nice to meet you.

Jorge: Nice to meet you I'm Jorge.

Diego: Oh, I'm guessing you play Violetta's love interest.

Jorge: Yeah, and you?

Diego: I'm playing her other love interest.

Jorge: *Jealous* Oh? Well, I'm her true love what are you, her crush?

Samuel: Jorge calm down, we're not filming.

Jorge: Sorry, I don't know what came over me.

Valerie: Hi, I'm Valerie I play Lara Leon's mechanic.

Everybody introduced themselves and got to know the new people Tini was jealous of Valerie being close to Jorge, but she had to remember that he hurt her. As they started season 2 episode one.
Episode one.

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