Chapter 11

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A couple of months later, Violetta 2 was nearly done as they were in Madrid now to film a few episodes, Tini recovered from the accident after filming Tini and Jorge have beautiful dates in Madrid and they are happy together.

Tini and Jorge were sleeping in the same room secretly as the producers wouldn't like them in the same room when Tini couldn't sleep she grabbed Jorge's T-shirt from the chair and stood out on the balcony while looking at the old town of Madrid it was beautiful until I felt a soft kiss on my neck.

Jorge: Hey, baby, your awake?

Tini: I couldn't sleep, I thought the fresh air could help.

Jorge: What keeps you awake?

Tini: I'm just thinking about Pablo still looking for us

Jorge: What?

Tini: Jorge he scared me, and if this is going to be our life then we need to make sure we keep each other safe.

Jorge: Baby, he's not going to come back, and besides we will always make each other safe.

Tini: I have had enough of being broken and in pain Jorge, I don't want to recover and then get hurt again.

Jorge: Baby, I promise you he isn't going to come back.

Tini: How are you so sure?

Jorge: Because I will be here to protect you and besides our friends aren't going to let Pablo through the door.

Tini: But, Violetta is coming to an end now.

Jorge: How about we go on holiday just you and me?

Tini: Jorge, the last time we went away I landed up in a hospital bed remember?

Jorge: Babe, we're not going there, how about we go to Paris or Los Angeles?

Tini: I'd rather just me and you in this hotel room alone just you, I and the bed.

Jorge: Hmm, that sounds so nice but we have to film to do so let's get dressed.

Tini: *Grabs his arm* or we can just do it again, well I'm already naked aren't I?

Jorge: Hmm, later.

Tini: Why not now?

Jorge: Because we have to film Tini, so get dressed.

As we got up to go to the set we started filming the last few episodes in Madrid where Diego and Violetta were exploring and Leon was in the hotel room feeling sorry for himself.

Martian: Cut... Okay, take a five-minute break.

Tini: Jorge? Is that... Pablo...

When Jorge looked he saw Pablo walking up to them which made Tini hold on to Jorge tightly, while Lodovica hugged him tightly.

Lodovica: Pablo!!!! You look different.

Jorge: Well, well are you back to finish me off?

Pablo: No, I'm just here to watch see you all film.

Tini: Go away.

Jorge: You scaring Martina Pablo.

Pablo: By doing what?

Martin: I have no idea what is going on but you need to leave now.

Jorge: Pablo is the one who put Tini in the hospital.

Lodovica: Why did you do that?

Jorge: Because he is jealous that Leonetta made it and Tomletta didn't.

Martin: The reason why Tomletta didn't make it is because you left Pablo if you hadn't left then Violetta and Tomas would've lasted and I would have just left Ludmila and Leon together as the badass couple, but you had other plans so we had to change the script.

Tini: I'm kind of glad you left Pablo because I could've landed up in the hospital.

Pablo: Well, do you know what? I was glad to leave because I don't have to act with you ever again Tini and your whiny voice ugh.

Jorge: Pablo that's enough.

Pablo: I think I only liked the rest of the cast but you Martina you went through me.

Lodovica: Pablo, stop your being so cruel.

Pablo: And you know what I should've killed you when I had the chance.

He was about to go for Tini when Jorge pulled her behind him Pablo was about to hit her instead he hit Jorge which he regretted.

Jorge: *In pain* Urgh...

Martin: Pablo, why don't you get out of here?

Pablo: Fine, but this isn't over.

Tini: yes it is.

Pablo left as Jorge was holding onto Tini as she pulled him into her chest he was still in pain, Martin wanted Jorge and Lodovica so they sing in my world.

Martin: Are you able to sit and walk around?

Jorge: Yeah I'll be fine.

Tini: Are you sure my love?

Jorge: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Jorge and Lodovica got into their places and started to sing in my world, while Tini was watching Jorge because she was worried about him.

Martin: And Cut... Well done guys, that's it we will carry on tomorrow go rest, Jorge.

When we went back to the hotel Jorge rested on the bed while Tini went into the shower, she came out with a towel and saw Jorge asleep on the bed and she cuddled up to him for a while until she couldn't feel him breathing.

Tini: Jorge? Baby?

He didn't move she dialled 911 and they came straight away and took him to the hospital, which made everyone worry.



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