Chapter 3

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Martina ~
After Jorge saved me from the pool, he wrapped a towel around me and we went inside because it was getting cold when we went inside, we sat in a circle and the boys had alcohol, I sat next to Lodovica, but I couldn't stop staring at Jorge leaning on his arm as he sat on the floor.

Mechi: Let's play Truth or dare.

Diego: Okay.

Lodo: Okay, I have one, Tini Truth or dare?

Tini: What?

Mechi: Ah, you have to answer the question otherwise you have to forfeit it.

Tini: Okay, Dare.

Lodo: I dare you to kiss the guy you would date?

I looked around the circle until my eyes came to Jorge I crawled over to him while looking at me like he was confused about what was going on, as I put my hand on his leg until someone shouted his name angrily.

Stephie: JORGE BLANCO!!!!!

Jorge: Stephie? *Getting up quickly* What are you doing here?

Stephie: You little... Bitch, get away from my boyfriend, you think just because you are the leader of this stupid soap opera you can make a move on my boyfriend?

Tini: I was...uh, I'm sorry.

Stephie: Save your apologies, Jorge let's go home now.

Jorge: Woah calm down, we were just playing a game of truth or dare.

Stephie: Oh, so you think I am to believe that you were just playing a game?

J/T: Yes.

Stephie: I wasn't talking to you, Martina.

Jorge: Stephie, there's no need to be rude.

Stephie: Oh, you want me to be nice to this boyfriend stealer? well, I'm sorry, but I live in the real world, not the fantasy world.

I looked at Jorge and saw how angry he was at Stephie for being rude to me, as Stephie grabbed his arm to leave, I felt bad for Jorge, this was Lodvica's idea not mine if she didn't dare me to kiss someone we wouldn't be in this mess.

After some time, I went home as it was getting late, I turned on the shower and started to undress when my doorbell rang as I put my robe on I went to open the door.

When I opened the door I saw Jorge standing there in the pouring rain he was soaking I pulled him inside and before I could ask him what he was doing here he kissed me I surprisingly kissed him back.

Jorge: *In between kisses* I'm sorry for pushing you away, I didn't mean it.

Tini: *Pulled him away* Wait, what about Stephie?

Jorge: I don't care about Stephie, she has her boyfriend.

Tini: Wait a minute, she cheated on you?

Jorge: Yeah, she's been sleeping with Peter Lanzani.

Tini: Oh my god, he's my ex-boyfriend.

Jorge: *Hearing water* Are you running water?

Tini: I was about to have a shower until you showed up.

Jorge: So, let me guess you're naked underneath your robe?

Tini: Well, yeah, unless you shower with your clothes on?

Jorge: Funny, What do you say to me about staying the night hmm?

Tini: I would like that very much.

As I reconnected my lips with his I could feel his hand touch the strap that was placed around my waist as he unties the knot my robe dropped to my sides showing my bare body, he kissed around my neck I couldn't help but sigh hornily, while he was kissing my neck.

I managed to unbutton his shirt which revealed his muscular body we walked towards the bathroom while he let my robe fall to the floor I pushed his shirt off his shoulders.

I got into the shower while he stripped down and got in behind me still kissing me he pushed me into the wall and lifted my legs around his waist the hot water was splashing at our bodies.

After we got out of the shower, we didn't dry ourselves we just carried on kissing on the bed, as we were kissing I kept turning my head to catch my breath.

Where I wasn't used to kissing this much even though I loved it, I just wasn't used to it.

Tini: Jorge, I can't breathe.

Jorge: What?

Tini: We're kissing too much and it's hard to breathe.

Jorge: Do you want to stop?

Tini: Maybe, we should watch a film until we go to bed.

Jorge: Okay, how about you get ready for bed and then come out to the living room and I'll make you drink.

Tini: Haven't you got to get dressed?

Jorge: I just did.

When Jorge put his jeans back on, while I was getting dressed I put his shirt on and let it drop down to cover my shorts because it was long and small.

I walked into the living room to see a shirtless Jorge, as I sat down on the sofa he passed me a drink but he accidentally splashed me making me scream because it was cold luckily it was just over my legs, not his shirt he laughed at me.

Tini: JORGE BLANCO!!!!!!

Jorge: What? Martina Stoessel.

Tini: You soaked me.

Jorge: Aww, it was only a splash.

Tini: Oh yeah, how about I splash you?

I took the glass and threw the liquid at him but it only hit his jeans until he got even with me and grabbed my legs pushing me onto the sofa, he started tickling me.

Tini: *Laughing* Stop Jorge, Stop Leon.

Jorge: *Stops tickling her* Did you just call me Leon?

Tini: I might have slipped out.

Jorge: Oh? Violetta.

Tini: No, it did.

Jorge: It doesn't bother me, I'm used to you calling me Leon anyway.

Tini: And I'm used to you calling me Violetta, Jorge we can't date because we are the leads of the show.

Jorge: Then, we will secretly date, we won't tell anyone.

Tini: But, won't that complicate things if people start to find out?

Jorge: Well, we will just have to make sure we don't do anything to suspect us.

Tini: Oh? It's going to be that easy? Because I know how hard it is for you to keep your hands away from me.

Jorge: I don't have that problem, that's you.

Tini: We will see Lion.

Jorge: Yes we will Vilu.

Tini: Stop, I don't like Vilu.

Jorge: And I don't like Lion.

After we talked about our relationship status we started watching a film cuddling on the sofa until I felt something hard fall onto my head, when I looked up his head hit the back of the sofa and I saw Jorge asleep, I didn't move him I just laid his back onto the arm of the sofa and grabbed a blanket from my bed and put it over him while I turned off the TV and Lights I laid beside him and put my hand around his waist.


Thank you for reading.

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