chapter 12

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The police?!

Does everything have to go wrong at the same time?! I just wanted one night! One night to forget about every thing and have a fun time but noooo the world has decided to fuck me over.

I ran down the stairs meeting up with Angel and Robin who look a bit more dazed then normal and Angel was having a hard time keeping up with us, she was tripping over her self and some guys that were past out on floor. We were trying to get to the back ward where I think all the car where parked. Once we had pushed throw the herd of drunk and hight teens we make it out back, witch turned out to be a sort of parking right next to a forest.

Teens were running around trying to get out of here. That's when I spotted Leo carrying a past out Erick in his arms, if this was the moment I would have loved to have a camera to capture this moment. Payback would have been a bitch.

We made it to the Jeep, Angle and Robin jumped in the back with Erick meaning I had to get in the front with Leo... not awkward at all. I jumped in trying to avoid the look that Leo was sending me. The second my door shut Leo hit the gas making me slam into the window and i heard a few groans from the back seats. We flew down the rocky mountain road and I'm sure that I wasn't able to breathe properly until we made it to the main road and it was finally a flat road ahead. I let out a long sigh and leaned back into the seat, why did this night end up like this? The one time I go to a party with friends I end up in a fight with one of them and almost having sex with a complete stranger. Not that I wou..... no Luka! You are not going there! 

"What happened?" Leo asked, thankfully interrupting me weird train of thought.

"What do you mean?"  He didn't answer straight away he just shot me a look before turning his eyes back to the road.

" you're neck, it looks like a giant mosquito attacked you". My hand shot up to my neck trying to cover the hickey that that stupid asshole must have made, I could feel a blush rising and I felt it go all the way up to my ears.

"I-it's n-nothing don't worry about it!" God could this be any more embarrassing.

"Who did it ?" That question seems to come up often with him at the moment but the next thing he asked me shocked me . " they didn't force you did they?"

"I-euh that..that doesn't concern you!" I really didn't know how to answer that, was it forced? In way yes. Thinking back I didn't really push him away but I didn't want it, my body was doing it's own thing like it was out of my control, witch scares me.

"It does when one of my friends runs off in tears and comes back an hour later with a hickeyed covered neck, so tell me did some one do something to you after you left me?"

"No! Nothing happened! And if it did I don't see why you should care" I was starting to get annoyed with him and upset with my self, couldn't he just drop the subject?

"I'm just worried about you, you come to a party all beaten up literally and then get hammered .."

"I never asked you to worry!" I could tell that Leo was getting mad at me for cutting him off and not answering his questions but I really didn't see what this had to do with him. It was my fault anyways. I let my self be pulled in by some guy. Again. And I am just piste at my self. Before I could say any thing else Leo hit the brakes hard. He almost made me face but the dachboard. I turned to glare at him but has already staring me down.

"But I do! You mean a lot to all off us. You don't know this but Erik has trusted issues so the fact that he wanted you to hangout with us means that you can be trusted. He worries about you and frankly so do I. So don't ever say that I don't care because I do !"

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