ch 22

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"He was my classmate back then. My best friend's crush to be precise."
You started as you sucked in a deep breath, trying to remind all your dark past coming back to your senses.

"Eunae, she was my best friend, at least that's what i thought. day Jackson joined our class...a new student. He sat behind me and eunae. She told me that Jackson is like a love at first site kind of crush for her. He was good looking, I agree, but-"

"Good Looking?! That piece Of sh*t is! Argh! Anyways...continue."

You got abruptly stopped when jungkoOk spoke those words,
Is he jealous?

But you continued,

"He was like any other playboy. Always flirting and being a pervert-"

"Did he touch you or anything in the past? I mean did that bastard did anything you didn't like in the past?" JungkoOk asked.

"He was like that with other girls, but after some days he started that with me too. He used to slide his leg along mine from behind during Classes, or make some reasonless touches which wasn't intense, but i didn't appreciate it." You took another breath as jungkoOk looked deep into your soul with that sparkling eyes of anger and sootheness.

"You could've done something about it. You Could've complained your teacher or mother?" JungkoOk suggests.

"No way." You sigh as you continued,
"He was way too rich and powerful to get affected by anyone. Eunae started being indifferent with me ever since that man came and ruined my life. she meant too much to me...but slowly she just disappeared from my life as if she never knew me. I-i trusted her a lot...for everything. I was always alone, mother busy with her business and no one in life to rely on. I started loving it. Being alone, being confined to myself. After I managed to get Jackson out of my life, i was way more happier and calmer than before but that bullshitting dare brought him back again!" You groaned in anger, a different side of you appearing now.

"What dare?" JungkoOk questioned.

"Once on Jackson's birthday, he called everyone over for a party. Drinks and boys, which i hated the most, i wasn't planning to go, but that day eunae came to me. She talked to me after so many days and persuaded me to join the party saying that she might get some attention from Jackson because of me. And then in the party, he spotted me and called Me when he was playing truth or dare with his friends. I took eunae along, fearing to be the only girl with those Pervs out there. When the bottle stopped on me, a boy asked me if i was virgin. Later, again when the bottle spinned and stopped on Jackson, he chose dare. And that as*hole gave him a dare to take my virginity. I was offended as i tried to leave the game but, i wasn't allowed to. That time..."

You stopped and took in a deep breath 


Tears reaching the brink of your eyes,
The moment jungkoOk noticed your state, he pulled you closer, embracing you in his warmth and soothing your body and mind,

"Calm down baby..." he let out in a whisper.

"Take your time."

You nodded but continued the story anyway,

"H-he pulled me along in a room while i tried to fight back with all my strength. But then he threatened me that if i won't listen him, he will destroy my mom's business through his father's power. I stayed quiet as He sat on the bed, he ordered me to strip myself...later he forcefully held my wrist, whispering that i was useless...I don't know why but he let me go after that. I thought he isn't into me anymore, but next day when i was going back home from school, he stood there again as the same incident occurred again. I told you about it before...And it was truth, i kicked him and saved myself that day...while i was running away from him that night, he shouted from behind - 'I'll ruin you y/n! I promise!' ."

JungkoOk held you tighter as Jackson's words hit your mind,

"I managed to change my school and started living a different life, without friends and boys in it. I started ignoring my mother too since then. I was living like nothing happened! As if i had no past nor future! I guess i was fooling my mind all along." You sighed.

"Haven't you ever mentioned what jackson did to you to your mother? Like she is your mother after all-"

"I made every possible move to not let her know about it. Because once she knew, she would've married me off with him right away." You answered.

"But after all-"

"Business jungkoOk, she is blinded by it."

He sighs,
"Are you sure she is your biological mother?"

"God knows!" You exclaim as you sigh and lean on the bed,
JungkoOk follows your movement As he lays on the bed and pulls you closer to him.

"Don't give those sh*tty people any place in your heart or mind. GOt it, baby?" JungkoOk asks making your Cheeks shot red due to the closeness and control in his voice.

You love it!

He will always feel right no matter what.
He could even kill you with his own hands and you could feel like it's for your own good.

His rudeness and punishments was something to which you were unknowingly getting addicted to.

"Baby" he whispers slowly,


"I will take care of that bastard. So, you don't need to worry about that anymore. Nor your mother nor that a*shole can control you now. You're only going to listen to what i say from now on, got it?" JungkoOk whispers in your ear, leaving a short kiss on your earlobe right after, making you feel burn with warmth and electrifying every nerve of yours as you nodded in response.

"Good baby girl." He pulls away as he smiles.

"Why are you calling me baby so often these days?" You asked with curiosity, not that you didn't like him calling you that.

"Because you are a baby. Naive and smart. Innocent and evil. You are just...a whole new female being i have ever witnessed in my life."

" an alien?" You ask as he chuckled.

"I love your mood swings baby." He stated as your eyes drifted to his lips, inches away from yours,

I wanna kiss those lips freaking right now!

"Where are you looking at bad girl?" JungkoOk smirks as you snapped out.

"W-wh-what?" You retaliate.

He doesn't reply but pulls your lips closer to his, embracing them and caressing it softly with his lips.

Don't React gurl!

You kissed him back, ignoring what your mind suggested you just now as you rather followed your heart.

He held your jaw, lessening the gap between you and him and kissing you with more intensity,
He slowly pulled away gazing at you panting with red hot cheeks as he smirks and attacks your neck this time.

No! That's my weak spot! And he knows it!

A slow moan escaped your mouth when he kissed your neck,
Holding your jaw up to get a full view of your neck to work on.

"J-jungkook!" You breathed out as he slightly licked your neck,


"Hmm?" He hums on your neck giving you chills,

"J-jungkook! Don't stop!"

"J-jungkook! Don't stop!"

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